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SRAD on 3 cylinders


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Hi, im having trouble with my 96 SRAD 750 and wondered if anyone can help.

During a day at pembrey recently, i wound pace up after doing 3 warm up laps, and the bike started running on 3 cylinders. This was at the end of the day though, and the bike had been running fine all morning.

Got it home and had another check, and its still not firing on cylinder number 3 ( i checked the downpipes, and all are hot bar number 3 )

Took the plugs out and swapped them over, still number 3 not working. Took the plug out and put it in the end of the lead and checked it against the engine to see if there was a spark, and there was.

So now im stumped, im not really sure what to check next. I assume if theres a spark and its only one of the cylinders not working, it wouldnt be the coil.

Could it be that one of the carbs is completely blocked and just not feeding one cylinder, or is that unlikely?

Or am i just being an idiot and missing something blatent?

Any help would be appreciated, im tearing my hair out!

O yeah, when i start it, it runs on 3, but as soon as i touch the throttle, the engine dies, like it flooding it maybe? Is this just due to the unburnt fuel in cylinder 3?

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an idea: airbox lid off - spray some brake cleaner in the duff pot - if it fires on all 4 when you do, it's fuelling - clean out the carb etc.

if not, its either mechanical (compression, ie valves, ring etc) or electrical. You say it's sparking.

try the carb drains - maybe the needle valve is stuck - if juice pisses out of all the otherones, but not the duff cylinder, then maybe it's just a stuck valve.

good luck whatever


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Nice one cheers jam!

Followed your instructions a min ago, and sprayed brake cleaner down carb 3, and hey presto, running on 4 cylinders again! Good times!!!

What would you think would be the next best step?

I had a little look at how the carbs are mounted, and it doesnt look like its going to be an easy job removing them, no idea how i would get an allen key in there. Is there any way i can clean out the carb witrhoiut removing it??

What would it be that I would need? I assume its going to be the needles? Bear in mind i only have a very basic knowledge of bikes, and have never attempted anything like removing carbs before, but as funds are short, and summers drawing to an end, i think im gunna have to try my hardest to do it myself. Would the best bet to try and find someone with a compressor and blow air through everything??? Or is there anything else worth looking at?

Cheers for the help! :eusa_whistle:

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over to someone that knows gixers, i dont know anything about them myself really.

try looking for a manual, or get someone to put up the right page. it can't be too difficult. just take it steady, and dont murder the screws. if the screwdriver doesnt fit perfectly, go and buy one that does. dont disassemble the carbs outside or anything (i may or may not have done this previously...) cos you'll lose vital parts. do it in an old baking tray (or even a new on) woollies was perfect for this until they shut down)

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Yep £2 baking trays from asda were made for stripping carbs down. Just mention that the sunday roast tatses lovely, even if it's got a slightly chemically tinge to it the next week. She'll think it's all in her head, probably hormones or something.

Again, I don't know gixers especially, but having worked on a number of other modern inline 4's, I doubt if you can do much with them in-situ. I couldn't agree more with Jamie about getting them off, take your time and don't try and be too brutal with anything; if you round a head off you're really fucked then. Be patient, then, once they're off, strip them one at a time, so you've got others to show you how they go back together. It'll probably just be a bit of grot in one of the jets, hold them up to the light and you'll soon spot the blocked one. Give it a good squirt of carb cleaner, you should be fine.

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Cheers guys, thanks :)

Ill leave the weekend free and have a go I think. Im sure if seen some microfiche's online somewhere, so ill get that printed out and get some baking trays I think!

The one thing im wondering, when stripping the carbs, am i going to need to move or remove the actuall needles/jets? If so, am i going to need to get them set up properally again, or will they just go back in? Sorry if its a obvious one, but im new to this game. :)

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Cheers guys, thanks :xmas:

Ill leave the weekend free and have a go I think. Im sure if seen some microfiche's online somewhere, so ill get that printed out and get some baking trays I think!

The one thing im wondering, when stripping the carbs, am i going to need to move or remove the actuall needles/jets? If so, am i going to need to get them set up properally again, or will they just go back in? Sorry if its a obvious one, but im new to this game. :)

You'll need to unscrwew jets, yes, but they just go back in where they were. If you remove needles, sometimes they have a clip which sets their height; make sure you're on the same clip when it goes back in. The only other thing you might want to check is the float height, but again, if you don't change it, then it won't need resetting.

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Just make sure that when you refit the jets that you don't screw them in too tightly - you don't want to be wrecking jets / carbs....

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lovelly jubbly! just got in from work, and the weather has eased off, so im gunna go see if i can get them off this evening and have a litttle look! Wish me luck...... :thumbsup:

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Took apart the problematic carb, cleaned all the bit and put it all back together, and im back on 4 cylinders again! Happy days!

Only took it for a spin half a mile up the road and back, but it seemed fine! Well pleased!

Thanks for all the advice on this, very much appreciated!


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