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Cush Drives


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Right, I've just got round to adjusting my chain and it seems the clonk I'm feeling in 1st is down to the cush drive havine a fl* of play. Now, I'm sure I can get one from Yamaha somewhere for some coins, but I'm wondering if anyone had ever had a go at making them? You can get rubber moulding stuff from Frosts or maybe find something suitiable and cut it up? Any ideas?

Or how about being even funkier and trying to get some polyurathane like they do use in chaved corsa's suspension bushes...

*fl= a fuck load.

Right, I've just got round to adjusting my chain and it seems the clonk I'm feeling in 1st is down to the cush drive havine a fl* of play. Now, I'm sure I can get one from Yamaha somewhere for some coins, but I'm wondering if anyone had ever had a go at making them? You can get rubber moulding stuff from Frosts or maybe find something suitiable and cut it up? Any ideas?

Or how about being even funkier and trying to get some polyurathane like they do use in chaved corsa's suspension bushes...

*fl= a fuck load.

Chaved corsas dont have polybushes. They just have stickers on the doors to say they have polybushes. Polybushes cost money, can't be easily seen, and do make a difference to performance. Your average chav wants mods which can be seen and dont make fl difference to how well the car drives.


Quick fix for clunky cush drives, plasticard from your local model shop.


I've heard of people packing them out with washers too.

I only mentioned polybushes as I was in demon tweeks t'other day and they're mad for em.


have been know to cut down a piece of bicyle inner tube and stretch around the individual cush drive segment, hence packing them out.


Greg just change them, they aren't expensive and will make a huge difference, I did on the blade last year and I have to say it was the one thing that changed the bike from feeling old and sloppy to taut and fit.

I think there is many people out there changing expensive stuff like shocks and bushes when simply swapping these would have solved their problem.


I tried this on an old suzuki TS125 because they are unavailable from suzuki now. Did not work at all. I used some two part modelling rubber (the hardest I could find) and it just disintegrated so I ended up shelling out loads for some 185 cush drive rubbers and making them fit :lol: . If you want to have a go though I'd be interested to see how it goes. I also contemplated trying to make a mechanical backlash limiting device like the ones in clutch baskets using springs rather than rubber to soften the power delivery.

I tried this on an old suzuki TS125 because they are unavailable from suzuki now. Did not work at all. I used some two part modelling rubber (the hardest I could find) and it just disintegrated so I ended up shelling out loads for some 185 cush drive rubbers and making them fit :) . If you want to have a go though I'd be interested to see how it goes. I also contemplated trying to make a mechanical backlash limiting device like the ones in clutch baskets using springs rather than rubber to soften the power delivery.

Do you crack nuts with one of these....



Do you crack nuts with one of these....

Sometimes... :icon_blackeye: In my defence though it had a habit of eating the cush drives cos I was using 2nd hand ones and I was getting really really sick of replacing em. Getting the back wheel out is made even worse by the swingarm being too skinny for the paddock stand and the exhaust stopping the use of a mx stand.


Cush drives aren't that expensive, depending on how much money you've found lying in the back corner of you wallet. Just shelled out nigh on £40 for four of them for my spare set of wheels. I wouldn't really put that in the 'cheap as chips'* arena.

* Don't try chips as cuch drive replacements as the salt corrodes the hub.....


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