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Brembo discs


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Hello can anybody advise me ?? I have just fitted a pair  to a GSX-R 1000 K5 (front) Brembo ORO discs & Brembo SA pads and after a 15 mile test there is a lot of radial movement in the discs (between rotors & hosing) if you hold the wheel you can move the rotor by hand & get a load knock, normally I would say that this was wrong in old discs but am unsure about these Brembo discs (as Brembo have no help or technical help) any help will be much appreciated many Thanks

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Thanks for getting back to me, they are "floating" as Brembo puts it, they have about 2-3mm radial movement, my Galfer discs don't move on my K1 is this a Brembo thing ??

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As sev says fully floating discs usually move quite a bit, you have the carrier, the bobbin (or other mounting method) and then the disc. I had a set of PFM full floaters on a previous bike that rattled about when pushing the bike around as they used a big circlip to hold the disc to the carrier.

Semi-floating discs usually have the same setup of carrier/bobbin/disc but with the addition of a wave washer between the bobbin and the disc to stop it rattling about. They still float when needed though when the pads put pressure on them, the pressure being stronger than the force the wave washer is putting on them.

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Lateral (left to right) movement is ok but radial forwards and backwards is not. If these are secondhand then I'd be sceptical and look for a refund, if new I'd question the manufacturer / seller / Mode Performance in Silverstone.

On old discs the spring washers go flat so you get lateral movement, the bobbins can also wear.


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Many thanks, I have looked on the Brembo website, supersport discs are noted as being fully floated whereas the oro discs which I have are just noted as floating! The radial movement is when I am holding the wheel still and moving the disc with light movement by hand not under brake pads or pressure and without bike moving.

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also Brembo have no contact with customers whether technical or just help as this would confirm any doubts that I have, I brought these from an Italian dealer so there is a bit of a language barrier & most people will not help unless you have purchased from them.

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4 hours ago, GIXERJC said:

Many thanks, I have looked on the Brembo website, supersport discs are noted as being fully floated whereas the oro discs which I have are just noted as floating! The radial movement is when I am holding the wheel still and moving the disc with light movement by hand not under brake pads or pressure and without bike moving.

As asked above by @Evilchicken0, is the movement actually radial, as in outwards from the axle towards the tyre? Or is it lateral, left to right?

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Sorry I meant radial as in the working direction of the wheel/disc (up & down) I do understand the differences between fully & semi floating discs I needed to know what I have (as in the ORO) as the ORO is the only type that doesn't have the specification/technical data on the Brembo site, to have the correct info to approach the suppler, because as I started to look in to this problem Brembo site then informed me to watch out for fakes as in a small coded card which was not with them in the box, witch then panic, anxiety & self doubt kicked in in bucket loads.


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If you really have radial movement, the disc are badly worn. I suspect you mean rotational movement whereby the disc rotates slightly around a stationary carrier, which is normal unless more than a mm or so.

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the radial is in the hand movement ( as in very small rotation of the wheel in both directions as an up & down not side to side)  as it might be slightly rotational but the hand is using an up & down forced movement a mm movement would be barely noticeable where the movement can be clearly seen. 

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1 hour ago, GIXERJC said:

the radial is in the hand movement ( as in very small rotation of the wheel in both directions as an up & down not side to side)  as it might be slightly rotational but the hand is using an up & down forced movement a mm movement would be barely noticeable where the movement can be clearly seen. 

You need to talk to whoever supplied you the discs and get refunded (including both postage costs) send them with a signature at the other end. Take pictures or a video of the movement. 

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Thanks to you with the Mode Performance in Silverstone info witch I didn't find on Brembo myself, I have emailed them and they have told  me (what I had thought at the start) that they are semi floating discs (so should not have any movement) I have sent video to show him how much movement, but have already emailed the seller but as it's a shop probably wont get back to me till monday .

Thank you so much for your help

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I had a pair of semi floating Oros, on my K2, and there was no noticeable mowement, up/down or rotational. On my mates Monster, there is. Brembo discs too, but different to the Oros I bought for the Gixxer.


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I too have brembo Oro discs fitted to some bikes. No radial movement.

The Braking wave discs they replaced had lots of movement radially as the bobbins & the carrier's had worn badly but they had done over 40k miles.

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