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Stripping paint from carbon fibre


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I'd welcome advice from anyone who has experience, please.

I have a carbon fibre rear spoiler from a race car which has been painted (green, not that that's important).

Obviously I want to return it to 'natural' carbon fibre, and without damaging what's under the paint. I've watched a few 'YouTube' videos and read about a USA product called 'Carbolift' which is some sort of paint stripper to use on carbon. This doesn't seem to be available in the UK.

With plenty of cyclists on here, as well as carbon-equipped motorcycles, there must be someone who can advise me on how to tackle this?


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Lots and lots of sanding,i tried paint stripper but it bubbled up the top coat of paint a bit and that was about it,local paintshop suggested trying a blasting company to see if they could help but i thought bollox to it and cracked on,surprising how heavy you can go on the sandpaper,i started at 80 grit on a sanding machine and moved down as i got to the bare carbon,just needs a final going over and decals on then another light coat of laquer.



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I suspect the answer will be based on what the carbon is made from, polyester or epoxy or something else? Not that I know what you'll need, but if the point is not to damage the thing that's holding the fabric together and only lift the paint, you'll want to know what it is you're dealing with. Or just sand the fuck out of it!

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Sand it, but you want to go just beyond the paint, to lightly key the resin for clearcoat. So, it is up to you what grade you use to remove the paint. I would err on the side of caution and switch to increasingly lighter grades even if it takes a longer time.

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3 hours ago, Thunderbolt said:

Soda blast.


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3 hours ago, Thunderbolt said:

Soda blast.

Try this on a small area where it won't be seen first to check. But otherwise as others have said, sand away but just not to far!|!


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If soda blasting can get the paint off then sand it but be very careful sanding it... If the sand paper hits the carbon you will see the black of the carbon being sanded. If you get to that point you need to STOP as soon as you see black. If you can sand it with 1600 grit carefully and not hit the actual carbon then you should get a good finish easier. If you hit the carbon the clear coat will fish eye or look like pinholes, so you need to clear coat with lacquer it by getting the part warm and dust coating the part two or three times to get a finish that feels like 240 grit sandpaper (DO NOT  sand it between coats as you do not want to sand down to the carbon again). Then you can hit is hard with clear coat as the dust coat will be the key to hold the clear lacquer as you cannot risk sanding the part until you have a good layer of clear lacquer on there. 


It can come out like this if you take your time..

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Many thanks to everyone who replied on this subject, it's much appreciated.

It has been most useful because what it encouraged me to do was to sell the painted carbon fibre spoiler, and buy an unpainted 'natural' carbon one.

Much less effort!

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10 hours ago, Evilchicken0 said:

Soda blast it - I wet n dried a carbon part and it fisheyed. I sent it to a guy Morepower recommended to be sorted out. 

Lester is a great guy and his work is second to none when it comes to carbon. 


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