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Ford bloody focus Mk 2 screen washer


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OK to dribble 'bout motors in this bit?

Bloody car is an arse. The front screen washer stopped scooshing. It started to scoosh the rear for some reason when working the front. Rear scooshes the rear too. You can hear the pump going for both, but nothing comes out the front.

 Bought a new pump just in case and pulled it apart. Pump has two outlets on it. one front, one rear. without the lines on it pumps fine out of both. nice and strong. Put the lines on, pump front, works, pump rear, works, pump front again and only coming out the rear again. Swapped lines and the issue swaps over too??? One works fine until you do the other, then only the second one works again until you pull the lines off and pump out of both nozzles. Put new pump on. Exactly the same. Pump whirs away both ways.

There was a lot of goo in the front lines when I first took it apart. Blew them through with a stirrup pump and snot came out. Getting a nice strong blast and all seems clear. There's a one way valve on the front lines. Removed and didn't make any difference. Can't trace one on rear.

If you pull one line off it'll pump out the other. Cover the open outlet on the pump with your finger and the other line won't pump.

I guess it's got to be pressure related somewhere, but fuck knows what to do as not tied to a specific water line. Might try seeing if I can get an attachment to run the hose through the lines as that'll clear better than air. I'll not blast with pressure as it'll pop summat somewhere unreachable.

Any ideas? Matches and a rag?



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9 minutes ago, Yamonda said:

Sorry if im being a Wally, but have you cleaned the tiny nozzles at the end of the lines where the water comes out.

A needle or wire was normally the norm

I'll give it a go. Thought not that as they both pump well when they're working. Worth a go though as easy to do. May be blocked enough to cause back pressure. Cheers.


edit. logically it may be the rear jet as there's only one. 4 on the front. Never thought to clean it before I went in as pumping ok. Online talks about them dribbling when they're blocked and not affecting the other.

Edited by Pussyhorse
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I popped out last night and poked wire down the jets. Worth a quick poke. No joy. If I disconnect the rear line from the pump all four front jets work a treat with a good strong jet from all. As soon as I hook the rear line up the front stops dead and the water comes out the rear jet.


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Traced one in the front line, seems ok. Can't trace one in the rear. Ordered some anyway as they're a few quid. It's weird. Everything works fine as it should at times, just not necessarily in the right order. Morecambe and wise...

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If it is single pump that does front and back it may have a diverter valve in the pump body, when these have been run dry they have been known to cause all sorts of fun and games.


this one has a simple rubber diaphragm that can get stuck and cause all sorts of fun.

Edited by Thunderbolt
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3 hours ago, Thunderbolt said:

If it is single pump that does front and back it may have a diverter valve in the pump body, when these have been run dry they have been known to cause all sorts of fun and games.


this one has a simple rubber diaphragm that can get stuck and cause all sorts of fun.

That's the exact bastard pump. I can exclude all the lines and nozzles as being the problem. Run both pumps with no lines on and they pump as expected. Put a 12" straight through pipe on the rear output and both pumps flat refuse the pump out the front output. The pumps just spin in different directions for the desired output. You can tell by the torque reaction if you hold the gent in your hand.

Put the fucker back together in the end as I need to use it. Not happy. Beat by a poxy little fucking pump and some rubber lines.

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It’s a common pump to Frod, pugs, shitron,  etc

The cheap pattern replacement ones are wank.


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Disconnecting the rear meant the pump always dribbled out that outlet until dry. All back together as it was now anyway. Went to go out in it today and battery flat.

*Reaches for zippo*



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  • 2 months later...

Update. As the MOT is up soon I figured I really should get this sorted. Every few drives I'd give the front washer a poke to see if it worked. Never did. Boo! So I went out and bought at great expense a new genyoowine ford pump and a load of new hose. Decided I'll do it later this week as I needed the car for a few runs. While out in the car I gave it a poke and the fucker has only started working again. Last few days it's been scooshing on demand. Fucking thing.

It is a moody gent though as now it's decided to not open the bonnet release catch without a load of fucking about. The car is a dick.

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I need to sort the screen washing an the horn on my Van of Justice (tm)

It's a ballache - the smoke in the wires doesn't always go where it needs to.

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I'm beginning to see a pattern with this motor. The bonnet catch had been fucking about and jamming for a few days. Wouldn't open without some percussive encouragement. Tried to clean and lube, but no change. So, this morning I went on ebay and ordered a bonnet catch and the cable mechanism as this is known to be fragile. This afternoon the gent opens fine every fucking time.


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