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Foggy at Cadwell


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Vids from Cadwell Park trackday 14th April

A very pleasant Easter Monday was spent rigging up the bikes and getting then onto the massive trailer, kindly loaned by one of Mike's colleagues. His lovely wife generously indulging our burgeoning trackday habit even provided lashings of coffee and bacon rolls.


Arrive whilst the Thunderbikes meeting was still in full flow, so we unloaded the bikes and went for a hoon to Skegness, purely to scrub in new tyres and brakes y'understand?

Camp was set up, wander off down the now extremely foggy hill to the local pub for a modest amount of delicious beer.

Dawn breaks to reveal wet mist and the mournful croaking of crows. Noisy bastards.


Morning sessions were written off due to the thick fog. Each group went out for 3 sighting laps, the amount of water forming on the lens gives an idea of how bad my visor was getting – a wipe before every corner!


Letting everybody out for 3 laps was an astute move move by the organisers to show us just how freakin' dangerous it was... disappointed mumbles from the Paddock but no doubt about the sense of it, with no chance of seeing a marshal. We busied ourselves checking footage and setting the cameras up a bit better.

Lunchtime saw the fog finally clear and it was game on.


What an amazing track, very much a track of two parts. I barely feel like I've scraped the surface of learning it, I merely know which way it goes from my first visit. But therein lies the attraction - I bet I could spend countless days finding out where I can go faster... I'm smitten. If only it was closer. Although if it was 10 mins from home like Silverstone is I could see all my income disappearing very quickly.

I can only assume that www.britishsportphotography.com gave it up as a bad job as they've not posted any pics from the day on their website (I was hoping to put a couple into this post) – a shame as Hottrax were able to start the sessions promptly once the fog cleared and run through lunch to the end – so we effectively only lost two sessions – nice one fellas!

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