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Idle problem


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Good evening, I have a problem maybe some one can give some advice.

I have been sorting an old zx6r. I have removed the carbs, stripped and cleaned them then set the air bleed screws to 2 turns out as stated in the haynes manual. Put them back on the bike and balanced them. The bike runs fine and throttles up well, but I can not get it to tick over less than 2000 revs. Even with the tickover assembly wound right out so the adjustment screw does not even touch the cable holder it will not drop below 2000 revs.

I think the air bleed screws are allowing to much air into the pilot system and this is whats causing the fast tickover.Does this make any sense or could I be missing something?

Any help and advice would be appreciated.

Regards Zedsdead.

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Is the throttle cable adjusted correctly so it will allow the slides/butterflies to close completely? Try adding a bit of slack to the pulling cable and see if that helps.

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You say you've stripped and cleaned the carbs?did you remove the air bleed screws and maybe misplace the iddy widdy little o-rings that seal them?

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Does this make any sense or could I be missing something?

After fiddling with pilot screws all day today, this sounds the most likely. The Gaynes may say it, but it can't be right for every bike, as all are slightly different.

If possible, wind the pilot screws in half a turn and see what happens.

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Thanks for all the answers.

I now have sorted it and the bike is running sweet as a nut. My mistake was to do it in a hurry and not trust my guages. The end result being one carb was out of sinc and therefore pulling more air through. Moral of the story is don,t try and sort something before going to work on nights.

Regards Zedsdead.

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