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painted my wheels..now what?


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I've painted the rear wheel on my track bike today with Halfrauds spray cans. It's my first attempt so wasn't expecting to much but it does now look a damn sight better than it did before.

But how long do i leave the paint before i attempt to cut it back? And do i need a specilist cutting compound or will T-cut do?

I'm not wanting a perfect finish but have used the wheel as a practise before i have a go at the bodywork!

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With aerosols I would wait at least a week. T-cut will do ok, but there are better and obviously more work intensive, ways of doing it too.

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I have never cut back the paint on a wheels, because of the risk of burning through. however use a G3 grade to make it less labour intense, oh and doing it by hand will drive you mad.

Alterativley, remask your them shove a rod, broom hanlde through the wheel find something to rest the broom handle on to support the wheel from both sides so you can spin the wheel freely, then try again, by spinning the wheel slowly while you paint and continue to slowly spin after you have finished you stand a much better chance of getting a finsh that doesn't require any further work, reduces risk of runs, allows you to check all round the rim for finish......allow to dry and whack on some tyres.... dont go mad if they are track only.....

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don't use the halfords crap, find a proper paint specialist and they can make up cans for you, using quality materials....especially if your looking at doing a set of race fairings...

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Whta is the material difference and price difference between Halfords and those from a Paint specialist, Dizzy?

It's only a trackbike so not got to look anything special..just clean.

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Halfords is cellulose based and from a place where i get mine from is either 2k based or high solids water based, the later being the better, you will be hard pushed to get a half descent finsh from halfors cans (mostly thinners) but with a 2k can you have more solids with less thinners, resulting in easy to use more paint on your panel, more pigment and a higher level of solids!

Where in the world are you?

If you need more tips just ask.

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That's good advice there. I wouldn't want to cut back especially on something with sharp edges on the castings as it will go through easily. You need to practice getting a smooth coat on in the first place. Don't put it on thick enough to run and if you want it to gleam afterwards, laquer it. Turning the wheel is a great way to keep the coat even but it's hard to get any thickness of paint with those cheap aerosols.

One of my favourite paints in aerosol form is PJ1. It seems to have a far superior quality to it. Good luck.

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Did some digging for you, spoke to alan ward, he charges £9.99 for solid colour cans and £13.99 for pearls and the likes.

Unit 9, Brookfield Drive, Bridgtown, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 0JN, UK


work(01543) 506509

However he may need 24 hours notice to make them up,

these are non water based. as for the teaching you how to do it approach, i cant condense 12 years expeience into one paragraph, but i can assist with step by step guides and answer any questions you may have.

will pm you my number give me a call and i will assist.

try utube did a quick search and a guide of 20 odd clips came up, vague but its a start, how to spray paint is what i searched.

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