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Dark Dog Rally Recon


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Nutters. Takes some serious cojones to ride an R1 on dirt tracks like that!! Good vid :thumbsup:

Having watched it again, I disagree, I actually think they were drunk! I mean the cornfield scene, what was that all about?

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Those crazeee french and they're fluffy pink epaulettes, cool riding, though it did fuck up my PC up for 10 minutes :P

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Those crazeee french and they're fluffy pink epaulettes, cool riding, though it did fuck up my PC up for 10 minutes :P

Me too, had to watch it in 'normal', not 'HD'.

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thats a cool vid, he was so close tot he mud after one corner, and backing in then kneedown and supermoto style is sooo cool, got out today and was getting the back out into roundabouts in a poor attempt to impersinate them lol

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