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VF 500 - Modernise or keep standard?

Ray Von

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I have a lovely VF 500 that my dear father has given to me, as he doesn't ride anymore.

It's in good standard condition and looks top dollar as it is, but you know how thoughts cross into your head like, i wonder what it would look like with some modern wheels and front end (CBR600) and a nice four into one off something like a VFR750 or early VFR400, i realise there would be a lot of messing about getting it to fit, but i reckon it would look really upto date with modern wheels and a single exiting exhaust system.

She's an old girl 1985 model with only 24000 miles on the dials.

Any opinons?

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When was the last time anyone saw a VF500? Keep it stock it will be worth far more when you come to sell it. I know the inboard brakes are a bit shit but its an 80s techno quirk that makes it stand out a little.

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After some thinking, i'll keep it standard, its true you don't see any standard ones about any more, or any about for that matter.

My dad gave me some oil additive that honda produced to 'help' with any crankshaft problems that if i remember rightly the early ones suffered from, now he swears by it, but do you think modern oil technolgy would make this additive redundant?

Suppose i should bugger of to the VFR forums, but nevermind!

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