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Taking an Alarm (Datatool system 3) off your bike

Guest bikertiger

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Guest bikertiger

I've a datatool system three alarm on my bike, that I plan to put on my new bike

What sort of price would it be to have the alarm taken off and re-fitted?

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i had a problem with my DataTool the other week! its and aftermarket one and who ever had fitted it had put it in a beautiful place to just collect water under the rear seat and it fucked.

I was told that alarms that arn't pre-fitted with the bike at new can cause alot of trouble! :unsure:

But i think it would probably cost you about £60 in a garage to be fitted?

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If you've had the alarm for three years or more , it will probably be almost as cheap to get a new one fitted , that will at least give you some peace of mind over warranty , etc . the old system 3 was not the most reliable alarm on the market . If you insist on fitting it to your new bike expect to pay more labour than fitting a new one , also you have to pay for removal and re-instatement on your old bike

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Gotta remember that the wires for the alarm have probably been cut to length to fit your old bike,so it'll be a fair bit of mucking about unless your new bikes loom is similar.

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