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A question for any experts out there....


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I pulled the calipers off the ZX6 this evening, and when I whipped the pads out I noticed a blue-ish band about 10mm thick in the middle of the pads, running the length of the pads.

Its on both pads and on both calipers. When I looked at the discs I noticed a bit of blue-ing in the middle of the disc too.

Anybody got an idea of WFT is causing it???

Pads are EBC HH sintered road pads, biting onto standard original discs. Pads are worn evenly and there are no scores.

Anything to get concerned about????


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Nah mate, road bike.

Its the 2002 A1P model, old skool chassis and bigger carb'ed motor. Has 6 pot Tokicos in good order.

It could be heat ok, I tend to be pretty hard on the brakes, ahem, :P

I'm 17st and can hammer the brakes a bit!

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Same as my 9R then. It's a wank set up. My year round bike really suffers...that has blue discs/pads, and it's all because they drag a little and have now warped a disc.

Clean up as best as you can (disc aswell) and rough the pads up (strange though this sounds, grey curbstone is ideal). Makes the best of a bad job. Repeat as often as possible.

Keep an eye on the colour...

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Good man! Every days a school day!

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks they're wank!! ha ha!!

The brakes are ok, I think the discs are on the verge of warping, so I'm in two minds whether or not to stick a set of EBC discs on now or wait.

The blue line is only running through the middle of the pads, but I will keep an eye on the discs from now on.

I will clean all up at the minute and see how we get on.

Cheers for the help! :icon_blackeye:

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No problem. Keep on top of them. I neglected mine during my final year exams and sailed over the stop line while attempting to do 120 - 0 quickly for a red light.

If they drag at all with the bike on stands, new discs will get warped. You'll probably have to rebuild the calipers too...although consider new calipers at the same time. They are available through most dealers for less than you expect.

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No problem. Keep on top of them. I neglected mine during my final year exams and sailed over the stop line while attempting to do 120 - 0 quickly for a red light.

If they drag at all with the bike on stands, new discs will get warped. You'll probably have to rebuild the calipers too...although consider new calipers at the same time. They are available through most dealers for less than you expect.

Cleaned the calipers, all the pots sliding in without any real effort.

Getting hitched in April so the new discs and calipers may have to wait til the end of the year.

The brakes have always dragged on the discs, I think I'm too fussy when bleeding the brakes.

Last weekend I gave the brakes a real hammering.....locally we have 7 big roundabouts linked with well surfaced dual carriage way covering about 6 miles.

At the end of each straight its 120-130 down to 60-70, but if there are any cars on the roundabouts its down to a stop!

Can't be good for older discs and a fat bar steward like me!


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