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Balance Guages


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Righto need some new, good quality, accurate and reliable guages.

Any recommendations?

Are the carbtunes any good for everyday use? Any particular makes/models of dial guages I should get/avoid?

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I've read loads of people swear by carbtunes, but a few people have checked the accuracy of them by using a t-peice so you can compare the one vacuum source on 2 dials and they've always been off, hence your syncing has never been spot on.

I have an electronic little thing which I can't remember the name of at all, but it's bang on, the only downside is it's only got 2 inputs so you're always just using 1 inlet as a datum to do the others by.

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I use carbtunes and so far am happy with them. If they are in regular use the plastic adaptors will wear out but brass ones are available.

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I might get me some of those brass adaptors, the plastic ones were a bitch to get in to the 3rd and 4th cylinders, they kept cross threading as they were obscured by coolant hoses

Both bikes I've used the carbtune on have run a lot better afterwards, I'd recommend them.

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