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Clunking Sound


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On opening the throttle. Developed after I'd had the tank off to change the air filter and plugs. Runs absolutely fine.



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Coming from where? Engine, chassis? Can you feel anything through the controls when it happens? Does it happen when you close the throttle too?

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Coming from where? Engine, chassis? Can you feel anything through the controls when it happens? Does it happen when you close the throttle too?

Engine - I think. Doesn't feel any different. It's a weird one Dave.

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Squeeze the tank very hard with your thighs when it does it: does it go away? If so, the rubber things have come off the bottom of the tank or have slipped to somewhere useless.

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Once upon a time in a shed not far from me, I had a post tank off clunk thing going on. Turned out one of the clamps that held the airbox to the carbs (or carbs to engine, cant remember now) had turned round just a bit, so the screw that clamped it up was in the path of the disc that the throttle cable ends attatch to. Basically, they walloped each other, 'twas shit, but fixed in 2 minutes.

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You have left a screwdriver in the airbox lol

In all honesty you probably have something touching the tank or frame as someone has said already. Try lifting the tank off and see if it still does it.. If not then there is your problem if it dont then have a good look about. Can't be nout to bad though.

Invest in some of these.:- Helps loads in situations like this trust me.


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