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Texting Whilst Driving?


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in the words of jezza "they should be taken outside and shot infront of there familys"

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I bet if they did that here most young drivers wouldn't question it at all, girls I work with don't think twice about how bad it is.

Just one thing, in the titles, when they say most of the 'victims' are under 25, do they mean the people that die are not the people texting (as in run over etc) or are they calling the person texting who kills themselves a victim?

At first I thought they meant people got knocked over or hit in other cars, but then the age is irrelevant really? But surely the person doing the texting and dies isn't a victim?

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You know its actually part of a road safety campaign, right?

Secondly, since when is Brussels in France?

Of courseI do. I think it's a pretty good ad too.

brussels.... france.... I heard French

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I love that in a couple of those clips the instructor nearly goes through the windscreen for . . . . wait for it . . . . NOT WEARING HIS SEATBELT!!??!!!! :wtfmore: :wtfmore: :wtfmore:

Let he who is without sin and that . . . . . :D

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If he's not got his seabelt on for a couple of scenes and you notice it then its two birds, one stone, and not him being caught out isn't it?

...and its still not bloody French....

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...and its still not bloody French....

what is the language in that country then Dave?, French, Dutch, German, Walloon or Flemish( is Flemish a language?)?.

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They're speaking French because they're from Brussels, but there's at least 2 official languages in Belgium AFAIK...

I just don't get how someone can see it says "Brussels" at the start (and the car web address ends in .be) and say its French with no hint of irony.

Similarly, I'd not expect anyone to decry someone off Jackass for their lax attitude to safety, yet people watch an obvious spoof and then mention not wearing a seatbelt as if it was some sort of hypocritical omission.

Like the actor's not doing anything else bizarre/stupid.... :eusa_think:

Maybe I should have a beer and lighten up.

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They're speaking French because they're from Brussels, but there's at least 2 official languages in Belgium AFAIK...

I just don't get how someone can see it says "Brussels" at the start (and the car web address ends in .be) and say its French with no hint of irony.

Because I didn't see it? So I didn't pay attention to a small bit of text that appeared in the corner, when half watching some random video I found on the internet? I missed it, but assumed that it was in France because they were speaking French. Easy mistake to make. I guarantee you have made worse. I honestly don't think I had the tab that it was playing in open at that point of the video anyway.

Also, you are wrong when you said "It's still bloody not French". French being the word for the language and things associated with France, not the place itself. which is the point that van winkle was making. Look at that! you made a silly mistake too? I guess we're all human then.

Similarly, I'd not expect anyone to decry someone off Jackass for their lax attitude to safety, yet people watch an obvious spoof and then mention not wearing a seatbelt as if it was some sort of hypocritical omission.

It was a joke! This isn't a serious thread and that wasn't a serious comment.








I didn't fail to understand the video, and I'm sure wildcard didn't either, but you failed to understand the meaning/commedy of our comments. I read Wildcards comment understanding that he new it was a spoof and that he was making a joke, and it makes sense. He was 'running with it'.

Now go have that bear you patronising bastard

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I love that in a couple of those clips the instructor nearly goes through the windscreen for . . . . wait for it . . . . NOT WEARING HIS SEATBELT!!??!!!! :wtfmore: :wtfmore: :wtfmore:

Let he who is without sin and that . . . . . :D

I don't think they have to.

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