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Performance Bikes Test Rider Kills An Awesome Bike!


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Well without joining either sadbook or the forum on the link I can't see the damage. However it sounds like the bike is now totaled. That's a shame though I actually have no idea what it was like before. Glad Kev is ok. I guess this is always a risk when lending out a bike. I got mine back in one piece ?

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You should be able to see the forum page, don't have to be a member.

This is it before the argument with a transit

And after Kev Smith had it, rider ok apart from a broken toe apparantly.


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What happens with insurance in circumstances like this, I mean, there's the cost of the individual and possibly bespoke items, but then there's the building of it as well. How do you put a price on a bike that's had so much put into it if you don't have receipts for work because you've spent many a night burning the midnight oil creating it yourself. Do the insurance get the bike rebuilt on your behalh or do they just give a lump some and say get on with it?

Anywho, cuntsticks, shame to see a nice bike get stuffed. Glad to hear Kev's ok as well.


BTW who claims the certificate? ^_^

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what a shame i dont think a price could ever be put on someones creation. the one thing above all else is has the engine survived the crash????

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Ouch.... ouch.... ouch !

As said above, how do you put a price on hundreds of hours in the garage making what can only be described as a work of art !

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Thats bad luck for Kev and a damn shame for the bike too...

I don't let anybody ride mine but did think that this lot would be ok but not now.. I my bike was to be killed I'd rather I kill it and then I can only blame myself!!

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Accidents happen and anyone who has ever lent their bike to PB for a feature is reminded of this before we take them out. We won't ride a readers bike unless we are 100% satisfied the bikes owner is aware of this obvious fact. It is impossible to guarantee the safe return of a readers bike.

All bikes we ride are insured and should the unthinkable happen, the owner won't be out of pocket. PB might have to rearrange/cancel some of it's more expensive features/road trips to pay up but pay up they will.

I don't know the specifics of this accident but I do know the police are involved and the bike has been impounded, so even if I did, I wouldn't be saying anything here untill the police had done their bit.

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I am in no way saying that pb are crap and no body should lend them their bike, but having built and modified bikes myself (Not to this standard) they take a lot of work and hundred's of hrs thinking of How to do that bit, making templates and finding the bits you need etc...

I know the owner would be fully reimbursed and I know pb would take care not to crash but as Johnny said 'Accidents do happen' I'd just rather the fact that I could only swear about my self for crashing not somebody else..

Judging by the pic's Kev was very lucky not to join the bike under the front of that Tranny!!

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.Judging by the pic's Kev was very lucky not to join the bike under the front of that Tranny!!

Being pinned down by a large tranny. Scary.

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That totally sucks!

I hope it doesn't deface the mag or the riders! Shit happens! These guys do this stuff day in day out (bloody well n'all!) and if people come away from this nay-saying, I says bugger off and subscribe to Ride.

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Don't think anyone would blame the mag, its just a shame so much work lasted for such a little time.

I would still let a mag test my bike even though I know this could happen, a lot of why people build special bikes is to show what they can do/show off and the best way to do that is to get a write up in a mag.

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It just goes to show...

you may be able to handle a S1000RR Mr Tester, but its best you leave the 500 smokers to the real men :D

PS: conclusion of police investigation may invalidate the insurance?

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best bit is when it gets rebuild she can get a new frame, does anyone use the old RG 500 frames anymore ?

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That sucks,but the reality is the bike can be rebuilt,and kev is ok...

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