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Noisy Zx6R Engine


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Yo people,

Got a zx6r of a friends in my shed with a noisy motor, on the rhs, top half. We thought the cct might be knackered but to prove it I've turned it into a manual one by using a bolt through the end to hold the tensioner out. Anyway, this has made naff all difference so I'm not entirely sure what else could be wrong. We've had the cam cover off for a browse and theres nothing that looks out of place, cam journals and cams look ok, no scuffs or obvious lack of oil.

Have a listen to this vid and let me know what you think:


It's not a marvelous vid but you get the idea,

Any help much greatfully received!

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If the gap setting on the shims are all ok,then it sounds like piston slap to me. Bad rings..



Of course it could be a bad valve.. Do a compression test on the engine.

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It's a 97.

If it was a bad valve, would it still pull ok? As besides the racket, it does actually ride ok.

I'll double check the valve clearances later, cheers :)

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It's a 97.

If it was a bad valve, would it still pull ok? As besides the racket, it does actually ride ok.

I'll double check the valve clearances later, cheers :)

Hard to say mate.Does the noise go away when its warm? TBH it could be a number of things as with any fault..If it were me i would run a compression test both wet and dry and see what the readings say.

The valve settings for your bike are

Inlet = 0.15-0.24

Exhaust = 0.22-0.31

Spark gap 0.7-0.8

Do those and then go from there. :icon_salut:

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No probs mate. If the noise is there when warm it might be that you have a broken valve spring.these things are hard to diagnose over the web.lol

Do the 1st things and then see what you get.At least it will tell you what condition the engine is in. :icon_salut:

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That sounds properly wanky, and not like valve clearances.

Does sound like summat is brokeded - the missus' 2000 6R is in dire need of a shim job, but only really makes the normal Kawasaki-ticky noise at a tad under 57k

Gegorius77 - good link, that - I have to do both the 9R and the 6R soon .I've done my 9 , but never opened up the 6 so that'll be useful

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Right lads,

Cheers for your replies - I checked valve clearances and springs and the clearances where slightly out but not really enough to cause the issue, and there were no busted springs. I was supposed to wait for my mate to bring over the comp tester tommorow but I'm impatient so I thought fuck it, off with its head.

So, got the head off and took this video of me being able to push down piston #3 when its on its down stroke, you can hear it clonk in the vid, I'm guessing its not supposed to:


I fear a bad news phone call coming on to the chap who owns it lol.

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Thats not good!! big or small end bearing I would say.

If you look how expensive the full gasket set is for that engine you may aswell buy a 2nd hand engine and save the hassle!

Mine makes a slight piston slap type noise (nothing like as bad as yours!)and I decided against a strip down due to cost of gaskets.

I thought if it goes bang I will just get an engine, 10K miles later its still fine.

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Big end it is.

Just whipped off the barrel to have a browse and its rocking up n down like a good'n!

Yeah I've had a look at the gakset kits, they're massively expensive for what they are, and I've suggested another engine but we'll see what he wants to do. It might even be getting sold as is, watch this space!

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  • 2 weeks later...

if you go down the new engine route then all the carb engines fit including the 636 have a look on kawiforum.com it a yank forum but they have a parts swapable list for all models

got some great ideas for my 97 f3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well just to put a full stop on the end of this thread, we fitted another motor in the thing last night, thats done 18k, and cost £150, bargain. Fired up straight away and rides quite nicely, Cheers for all the help peeps!

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