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ZX6R non starter


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I've just brought a '00 zx6r track bike for next to nowt with a mate but its a non runner previous owner did a track day about six months ago and shortly afterwards he was unable to start it. He thinks its an electrical problem relating to the coil packs but before we start checking every wire and connection on the thing are there any particular faults or weakness's we should look out for specific to 6r's or in general (apart from it being a kwakka)

Thanks in advance.


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I won't pick the bike up till next week, it turns over just fine. When i get it back we'll all the check all the simple stuff spark,fuel etc i think the previous owner may have been a bit ham fisted and messed around with wires that didn't need messing with the ignition barrel and kill switch look a bit of a bodge :mad:

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I don't know of any inherant weaknesses on this model-engines are pretty strong.I have come across one that water had managed to track down through the junction box and shorted out the circuit board(on the back,out of sight)which stopped it running.Gonna have to start by checking for a spark arent you-probably is electric.Good luck

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  • 5 weeks later...

She lives!! we spent an hour or so today and got it it running which was nice.

The fault was in the abortion of wiring the last owner messed around with, The original ignition switch had been removed to allow the fittment of a steering damper which goes from the left hand fork to a bolt welded onto the clock mounting bracket i think any decent tankslapper would snap this home made bracket straight away, so we removed this and an fitted ignition barrel and switch from the box of spares we got with the bike and were rewarded with lots of noise and some flames from the hindle pipe WOO HOO!!

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that guy bolted the steering damper to the clocks?!?!

i would start methodically looking over this whole bike if i were you, make sure he didn't gas in the coolant tank, etc.

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