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Another Guy Martin Whoring On Tv / Youpube.


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I find it hard to not like Guy, but even assuming this was filmed during the 'quiet period' I'm sure some riders still find time to do something that will help their up-'n'-coming season to help them achieve championships.

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He's interested in things other than road racing. So what? He's looking to earn a decent crust beyond his racing days. It's exciting spectacle but it's not MotoGP money.

Many road racers I've met drink like fish. Guy Martin doesn't. He puts more effort into his physical fitness than most too. Apart from staying physically fit and prepping/testing/optimizing bikes, what more can you do to prepare for road races? You can't test on the circuits.

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Got to say that I enjoyed that, Lots of racers are into mountain biking and Guy is into the mechanics of things. So, its only another part of his passions, no big deal I would have thought.

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