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Y Piece Needed 19-25Mm ?


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Hi All,

I'm fitting an EWP to my bike & need a Y piece to replace the Thermostat housing. This will require 2 x 19mm O/D legs to 1 x 25mm O/D anyone seen such a thing or know where I can get one made ?


Chris W.

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If you find out where to get one, please put the details here.

I'm getting the bits and pieces together to fit an EWP to my track bike and I'd like to repleace some of the bike's originall waterpipes if possible.

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I don't want to keep the standard thermostat housing. It's a VFR800 with many mods & it always has heat soke issues when its warm. The standard hosuing is seperate from the engine & weighs a ton, as well as having to many outlets fcor the new setup. So I want to replace it with something smaller & lighter.

Regarding hoses, I used these guys to replace all the hoses on my VFR with silicone. They are much cheaper than samco, give the same look & as there was no kit for my bike, I just ordered what I needed.



Chris W.

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Have you got a sketch of what you need? I will get the bro to cad something up. You want fabbed stainless, or billet ally?

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Ie could you get away with a length of inch pipe with a bit of 3/4 welded on the middle at 90deg, and some dogs dicks rolled on the end for the clamps?

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I've had a better thought, just waiting for a reply. The thought being to get a silicone hose Y made !! if it can be made, it will be much simpler & a more elegant solution I think. :rolleyes:

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