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Camshaft Installation


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Having always followed the instructions in the Haynes/Workshop manuals slavishly for the last 20 years I would like to know if anyone has discovered the secret to installing camshafts..?

Following the instructions, you lay the ex cam' in the head with the 1 facing forward and the 2 facing up then count 15 pins and lay in the in cam' etc etc...

Then fit the cam holders, tightening in sequence.... at this point it all becomes hit and miss, my previous experience tells me its just pot luck as to whether you can do all the tightening without the shafts moving or jumping a chain pin (thus messing up timing).

Am I missing something?

Is there a magic way of insuring no movement?

As always advice grareceived recieved.


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Could you not put a cable tie through the cam sprocket to hold the chain in place ??

This is what I mean...magic solutions.. can't think why I never thought about doing that. Cheers Jon.


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