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Saturday afternoon wheelie practice


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Lovin' the covert cam action :ph34r:

I figured stashing it in the bush was the best option for an evidence free escape in case of unwelcome spectators.. :eusa_whistle:

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Wish I could wheelie. The only ones I ve done have been accidental. :ph34r:

There's no real skill in it, just means you're not a sad fucker like me that actually spends his time practicing! :eusa_whistle:

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nice dude, nice. i am ashasmed as i only wheelie by mistake and end up crushing my nuts.

Hahaha I did that a couple of weeks ago, couldn't even try to style it out, was in too much pain! :eusa_whistle:

I'm still pretty sketchy, that's why I practice!

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Good stuff. Looking forward to seeing this practice in action at the Ace soon.

Good minger hoisting*

*among the oddest things I've said or typed in the last 24hrs.


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Good stuff. Looking forward to seeing this practice in action at the Ace soon.

Good minger hoisting*

*among the things I've said or typed in the last 24hrs.


I do like to pull a minger..

Though I won't be doing anything at the Ace for a while.. well, at least until the undercover plod bugger off! :eusa_whistle:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice one i flipped my blade in 4th and done a 1 oclock then threw my self at the scenery lol :D

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Only got broken finger tip and a staved thumb :pb2: now im making it a stunt bike


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Only got broken finger tip and a staved thumb :thumbsup: now im making it a stunt bike

Jesus Del, that's mullered.. Glad you came off ok mate.

That blade's definitely gagging for a SI cage and a wheelie bar if you ask me!... :thumbsup:

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Yeah a will sort it out for next season once i get all the fucked stuff of it :D

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