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Lockwiring grips.


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Much chat in the biking world about lockwiring new race grips one you've fitted them.

They dont come outta the factory like this. Good glue should see you right as far as I'm concerned and apart from anythin else I'm already hearin tales of gettin gloves snagged on bits that come away.

Looks shite too.

Am i a complete clampit and missing something glaringly obvious?

Who does this and why?


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I do it. Yes glue is good but after a while I've experienced movement of the grips while racing which can be a wee bit of a distraction.

So I lockwire mine. If you know what you're doing you can cut and tail the wire so that it will not snag your gloves.

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My bike came with them wired down and I've never snagged any gloves. Don't know the ins and outs of it, but it's possible to do them very neatly by the looks of it.

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I do it. Yes glue is good but after a while I've experienced movement of the grips while racing which can be a wee bit of a distraction.

So I lockwire mine. If you know what you're doing you can cut and tail the wire so that it will not snag your gloves.

Bob. Clearly I dont have a scooby doo.

Cant see how you wont have at least some portion of the twisty ends protruding without a dab of solder to cap them.

How u do it?

Pics be great.

(if u can be arsed)

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There are different ways of doing it. I start inboard and then wire down half way before moving 180 degrees round the grip then to the end looping it and tailing it there.

Some people just put a loop round each end and I've seen many variations.

The thing with the soft Renthals is because they're so soft they do move around a lot even after they've been glued. This is where the lockwire helps. You can see the distortion in the wire after a seasons racing so imagine what the grip is going through.

Road grips are much stiffer in construction so there's no need to wire them.



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Cheers bob/wazrs. :ph34r:

Read something along same lines for the 3 band method. I thought it must have been some kind of sick joke to cause people with OCD to have a heart attack. Turns out this is in fact the way to do it.

Aint pretty is it?

Gonna get a set of medium compound ones and wire each end.

Lookin at that every day would drive me berserk.

Thanks again for info lads.


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Oooo now....

Anybody use them fangled kevlar renthal jobbies?

"3 x lifespan with renthal's softest compund yet"

I'm a big believer in hype.


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Simplest and best way to lockwire grips is a separate double turn of wire round each end and the middle of the grip with a nice tight twist of about half a dozen turns to secure the wire, then bend the twisted tail forward (so it cannot snag your gloves and prevent you getting your hand off the bar) and use a screwdriver/needle nose pliers to force the tail into the grip so that it is recessed.

On the throttle side be careful with the middle and outboard wiring as if you go too tight you can cause the throttle to stick.

Ah right bury the tails in the grip. This had occured to me. Can get it pretty neat then.

I'll try each end only first. I aint heavy handed on throttle at all. If I experience movement I can always do a few turns around the centre.

Cheers ears.


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The lockwiring isn't really used to prevent the grips twisting it's to prevent them sliding off the bars when you are really yanking the bars when counter-steering to initiate a change of direction at high speed.

Ah now that I am pretty heavy on. It's a ZX7. Direction changes are not it's strong suit.


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  • 1 month later...

This is news to me. I've never heard of it but it's sure as hell gonna be on my mind now..

Thanks DAVE. :thumbsup:

Although, i have R&G bar end sliders on my handle bars and they're pretty chunky, so i don't see the renthals sliding off in a hurry, they were hard enough to get on!

I had the left hand OEM grip loosen off my last steed after about 600miles from new and for seemingly no reason, didn't come off but was pretty hairy having no real grip on the bar when cornering.

Sweaty bollocks i tells thee.

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