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Polishing Titanium?


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Hi folks.

Quick question...

I've got a titanium Arrow race can on my bike which is now looking a bit grubby with soot etc. around the exit. It could also use a bit of TLC to bring it back to it's former glory. There's no scratches or anything, just signs of use like the soot.

What's the best / "right" thing to use to polish the soot off? Is Autosol ok or is it too harsh? I'm a bit reluctant to try it in case it makes a mess of the finish and it's not manky enough just yet to be bothering me so it's not a big problem really. Just wanted a bit of advice on it.



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The following is off the Akrapovic site...

Components made of different materials should be cleaned in the following manner:

muffler – titanium outer sleeve: use a soft cloth sprayed with a multi-purpose spray lubricant (WD-40 or equivalent)

muffler – carbon-fiber outer sleeve: use a soft dry cloth

stainless steel link pipe: use a soft cloth sprayed with a contact cleaner / degreaser, then wipe with a soft dry cloth (return to original finish by polishing)

titanium link pipe: use a soft cloth sprayed with a multi-purpose spray lubricant (WD-40 or equivalent)

evolution model - tubes: use a soft cloth sprayed with a multi-purpose spray lubricant (WD-40 or equivalent)

racing model - tubes: use a soft cloth sprayed with a contact cleaner, then wipe with a soft dry cloth

Thing is a soft cloth wont get stubborn crap off but a scotchbrite or similar will and it wont mark your Titanium cos it's um, er, titanium and double bastard hard stuff innit

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Gave it a quick blast with WD40 and a soft cloth. It defintely helped but its gonna need a bit more to get the rest off. It's given the sleeve a really bright shine and that just got a very light wipe!

Will need a chunk more time / elbow grease to sort the sooty tip though.

Thanks guys.


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Generic WD and the kitchen scourer, but I found the green one can be harsh I prefer the white ones then after I give a quick wipe with a de-greaser for the end can. As for pipe work as SRAD says t/cut or autoglym colour restorer works a treat on down pipes.

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