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Exhaust Paint...


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OK I picked up some cans for the pan, although the finish is marked. After I've rubbed them down, what paint should I be using? I would like a gloss black finish if possible.

I'm sure I've read on here to use BBQ paint...couldn't seem to find any in B & Q, but I only looked at the spray cans. Bearing in mind it's the actual cans, I think a sprayed finish is best.

I also need some etch primer, if I could get that from the same place...

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etch primer halfrauds and yes bbq paint from Big&Queer or home base or somewhere like that but i dont remember seeing glos finish only mat might be wrong?

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etch primer halfrauds and yes bbq paint from Big&Queer or home base or somewhere like that but i dont remember seeing glos finish only mat might be wrong?

No etch in my local halfords...and the Pan has massive cans, they would be really noticable if not gloss.

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+1 on the bbq/stove paint-not real sure if its available in gloss but i've done a few exhaust headers,reckon that sperex is a little thin so takes loads of coats-tried the stove paint from b&q and was pleasantly surprised-thick finish and pretty durable too!

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