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Bike blows fuse when brake light activated

Andy J

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Was out on the bike today (1986 slabby1100) and all was well until i noticed the idiot lights and indicators werent working. Checked the fuses when i got home this eve and a fuse had gone. I ran through all the switches etc to make sure they all work and all is ok until a use either brake and active the brake light and the fuse blows again??????

Any ideas? I hate electrickery and would really appreciate a point in the right direction before i go and remove bits i dont need to!

Im guessing a short or bad earth somewhere but where the hell do i start looking?

Also the rev counter stopped working on the way home but well after the fuse had blown. Could this be related or is it just a coincidence?

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Just checked the rear bulb holder and a wire has broken so im guessing thats the problem. As its 25yrs old i cant really complain. Will order an new one rather than mess bout trying to fix it i think.

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Sounds about right, I've had this when the wires have chaffed against the subframe, finding shorts is a pain so rejoice if it's an obvious one!

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replaced the 10A fuse and it all works apart from the rear light. Ordered a new one from Robinsons as i cant see how to effectively repair it as the break is right where the wire joins the bulb holder but its on a 7-10 day back order which is a pain.

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This sounds very similar to the recurring electrical fault that I ahd on my SRAD. Turned out to be corroded connections in the loom causing high currents to be drawn and blowing the fuses.

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I had a simmilar issue with my 750M. Was out on a ride and the tacho started dancing around with no correlation to what the engine was doing then it died altogether and all the idiot lights gave up too. On investigation the loom had worn through around the headstock. Suzuki wanted almost £100 for a replacement sction of loom. I asked very nicely and got one of the Avionics guys at work to sort it out for me. He stripped and rebuilt the section of loom and made it better than new! And all for free, woohoo!

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Mate - just read this and looked at the one I have again. it's got missing connectors at the other end, the wiring near the holder is fine and plenty to solder your exisiting wires too. PM me your address :)

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Big thanks to Steve (Banoffee) for sending me a replacement bulbholder FOC. Slabby lives and will be out suprising far newer bikes on the roads of darkest Essex (Especially round Finchingfield!) Sometime soon!




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