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stuck baffle


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Tried to remove the baffle from my Akrapovic but the fecker is stuck fast. The allen bolt came out ok but that's it. I suppose it's been through zillions of heat cycles now and it's over a year since it was last out (with no bother).

I'm reluctant to go postal on it because the baffle is only steel (in a titanium can) and there's not much to get a grip of. Any suggestions? There's no gap to get release oil in and nothing to hook on to. It's already looking a bit chewed just from my mole grip efforts.

Should I be doing it with a hot exhaust instead? Is it too risky to tap it in a bit first with a nammer so I can clean the crust off the rim? Oo-er!

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this happened to a mate of mine on his r6 with an akrapovic exhaust. he whack a load of WD40 round it, let it do its thing for the night and apparently it was very easy to pull out the following day.

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Cheers guys, I know capillary action is an amazing thing but the fit is so snug I can't see how WD40 would penetrate. However I will give it a go tonight. Fingers crossed!

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get something deeper down inside and hook it out? its worked for me with the baffle in my fuel zorst

It's had a good soaking in wd40 now, will try getting it out tomorrow. Would need something like a spring-puller as you suggest, so long as the inside lip of the tube doesn't fold.

Can you buy spares if I totally fuck it?

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WD or the GT way shouldbe fine if not hold a hammer one side and twat it with another one the other and re-spray again and twat it a little more. Soot builds up and locks the buggers in place.

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Broom handle down the middle, bosh it on the end. Aim it at your mate for extra amusement.

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Broom handle down the middle, bosh it on the end. Aim it at your mate for extra amusement.

yep, this was the winning technique for me.

Baffle got stuck and wouldn't budge, attempting to pull it out wasn't working. So I took the can off and knocked it out from the other end

I very rarely fit the baffle but when I do I give it a smear of copperslip around the flange ;)

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what he said.

when i worked in chassis engineering it was a inuendo nightmare. flanges, gussets, nipples, shafts, rear bushes worn, orifice, Particularly funny if the supervisor was female, try and stick as many in as poss, as it were.

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Failed miserably. I will have to destroy it to remove it, the flangey bit is too thin to withstand any more battering or tugging. Everything else is moving, including the bike, except the baffle. Will have to source a spare first though - who duzzem?

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Take the can off and push it out from the other side. Simples.

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Take the can off and push it out from the other side. Simples.

Doh! And reading back, Monkey! has already suggested the same. A mong-mong-mong-mong-mongy-minoo!

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clean the crust off the rim?

penetrate Fingers

penetrate even the smallest crack

get something deeper down inside its worked for me

It's had a good soaking now, will try getting it out tomorrow. Would need something as you suggest, so long as the lip doesn't fold.

Can I totally fuck it?

if not hold it with another one and twat it a little more.

Broom handle down the your mate for extra amusement.

tee hee hee

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Finally got it out! I took the end can off, planning to knock it out form the other side with a broom handle but there's a short curved link-pipe, held on by springs. Also stuck fast. No straight line for the broom handle. Hmm.

Long story short, got some mild steel rod, cut a slanty notch in it, hooked it onto the end of the baffle and yucked it out. The WD40 had penetrated but there was a 5p piece size patch where the stainless baffle had stuck to the titanium, almost like it was welded. Oh and I destroyed the threaded blob on the baffle so it will never fix back in again. Will have to find a nut and bolt.

Good grief what a noise! Trouser tentage! Really deep and rich. Had a quick run and there's a definite flat spot about 2,500 rpm but it fairly leaps forward from 6,000. I'll have to put it back in so the fuelling is right (can't justify a power commander) but I'll enjoy it for a couple of days more...

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Aim it at your mate for extra amusement.

Well yes, the dB killer on your VFR certainly wasn't stuck in any way when you fired it out of the can at my bike at Cadwell :icon_blackeye:

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good that it's sorted. hindsight is a wonderful thing so I usually take the baffle out when the can is new and give both surfaces a polish. then, if I'm feeling naughty cut the baffle length down and refit so a> it looks standard but sounds fruity and b> piece of pish to remove with my trust spring puller in future.


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Well yes, the dB killer on your VFR certainly wasn't stuck in any way when you fired it out of the can at my bike at Cadwell B)

Oh, the old cadwell mortar....

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