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RG125 with a gearbox full of petrol...


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Right my mates younger brother has a Suzuki RG125 FUN that a couple of nights ago made a "screeching noise". Didn't get to look at it till today. It would appear that the mag cover has been leaking gearbox fluids out so I'm assuming that the screeching was gearbox/clutch related. The bike still turns over and you can select all gears.

I took the mag cover off (and two gaskets and a whole tube of silicone sealant) and what was pretty much neat petrol pissed out, at least a litre of it went everywhere. The only ways I can think of for the petrol to get into the gearbox is either someone being funny and actually tipping it in there or the float valve in the carb is knackered AND a crank seal has gone allowing the fuel to run straight through the carb, down the inlet tract, into the crankcases and then past the crank seal.

The owner reckons it was running fine though before the screeching noise... Which if the crank seal was fucked enough to allow a litre of fuel through I don't think the bike would run at all never mind run properly.

So then, any other ideas how the fuel can have got there? I've downloaded a manual for it but still can't see any way for it to happen.

Any help much appreciated.

Cheers, Ben.

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Any idea how it got there though Josh? And are you sure you don't mean that your crankcase had some petrol in it?

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& screeching noise could be the now oil free main bearings giving up the ghost..

If the seal has let fuel past then it needs replacing as soon as!


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