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It's over 10 years since I've had any contact with the top end of the 2 - stroke tuining. What I'm after is advice on replating bores. Who's at the cutting edge these days, have there been any major technical advances. All that stuff.

I've got to reclaim a modern set of barrels that are Nicosil/ANOther as standard, yaet I need to repair a shagged set and if possible raise thec coating spec. As it goes, it's for a UJM 4-Stroke, but I'm guessing anybody who does work in BSB GP or similar will be able to help out.

Thanks in advance, and remember

I've not posted over here allright :pbtwerplr3:

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Any fuel knows that two strokes are best, aren't they?

What about Langcourt?

Excellent, thanks Innes, that'll be a good start, like the confidentiality idea as well.

Oh and you're right I should never have drifted over to the 4 - side, but they chucked 250's out of BSB just as we were due to go up in class. Managed to console myself with world championship level though so not all bad.

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+1 for Langcourt. Most places that 'can do' plating send cylinders to them!

Si, what happened, did they sort it out when you complained? I've only ever heard good things about them before. I intend to send my spare 257 cylinder to them when funds allow.

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