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Chrome or chrome effect kits


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I have various bits of decorative chrome that are pitted, which need more than wire wool to look passable.

I've seen kits like this: http://www.gaterosplating.co.uk/Replica-Ch...Plating-Kit.php but I'm not too convinced -I think mainly because their own video dosen't follow the destructions, wiping the solution on rather than spraying it. I'd also like something which says 'steel bits need x,y and z then look like this'.

Whilst I'm asking, I'm also interested in the zinc kits.

Anyone got experience with these, or advice?

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I think mainly because their own video doesn't follow the destructions, wiping the solution on rather than spraying it.

The video is for "Brush Plating Kit" not the "Replica Chrome Plating Kit" you provided the link for. Thanks though, because this was something I was looking for.


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OK he wipes it on rather than brush it on then!

Still, I'd be interested if anyone has had succes with such a kit. I appreciate it would only be decorative, but I'm not really keen on the chemicals used for proper chrome plating.

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