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Bike fell over now smoking really bad?


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My blade fell over on its side along time ago in teh garage and was like it sometime, been sat for months and I have run it up but its smoking rerally bad, unburnt oil is also coming out of the exhaust.

Whipped the airbox off, no oil in there. Plugs out, they look fine apart from there is oil in the threads upto the seating washer.

Now I presume oil has run down into the bores, but wouldnt this burn off really quickly? Took it for a spin it runs fine just lots of smoke like its running on diesel!

Any ideas on if I just just take it for a longer ride or can I do something else?

Also, just thinking aloud, the fuel would be nearly a year old, would make it smoke would it?

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does not need much oil to make smoke, clean the plugs and fresh fuel and give it a good cain. mind you i have no mechanical sympathy!!!!!

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If oil is coming out of the back of the zorst then i wonder if theres been an accumulation of oil in the downpipes somehow and its just being burnt off?

Perhaps getting it nice and hot might burn the oil out of the zorst? Or more of a pain, remove the zorst and see what its like inside.

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Cleaned the plugs and that helped up until it got hot, then it started again, but nowhere near as bad. Then after it cooled it was ok again until it got hot.

I think it is just oil hanging about and will burn away in time.

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