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A real RS250 that is, not a flippin Italian RGV in a pretty dress.

The best paint job, on the best bike.

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A real RS250 that is, not a flippin Italian RGV in a pretty dress.

The best paint job, on the best bike.

that is one nice bike. how come its got the different style bodywork?

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Check out the minimal height difference twixt top of tank and the lip of the screen. Makes ANY road bike look like a tractor. Gorgeous.


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A real RS250 that is, not a flippin Italian RGV in a pretty dress.

The best paint job, on the best bike.

You are quite right!

That is beautiful. 1992 RS250 Luca Cadalora replica?

I want it sooooo badly!

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that is one nice bike. how come its got the different style bodywork?

That's the right bodywork for the era; 1992 works Honda GP250 though there are dozens of variations on the paintwork if you look back at all the pics.

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That's the right bodywork for the era; 1992 works Honda GP250 though there are dozens of variations on the paintwork if you look back at all the pics.

my bad, i was thinking of the newer models and their curved tail units. that bike is very nice i dont think i've seen any gp250 reps of the older era, im guessing its obviously pre 95?

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nice to see a gp250 actually replicated on works bikes. dont really see a lot of effort in to paintjobs on grand prix bikes for obvious reasons although most are very nicely turned out. looks like a cadalora bike even down to the v.low screen height. is it used as intended? i know parts are getting thin on the ground for older tz's and prob rs hondas. had a go yet fontyy??

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nice to see a gp250 actually replicated on works bikes. dont really see a lot of effort in to paintjobs on grand prix bikes for obvious reasons although most are very nicely turned out. looks like a cadalora bike even down to the v.low screen height. is it used as intended? i know parts are getting thin on the ground for older tz's and prob rs hondas. had a go yet fontyy??

I took it 100 yards up the road when he first got it, but not had a real go and won't be asking for one now.

Define "used as intended", it'll be ridden on track at the Mallory 1000 bikes thing whenever that is but I doubt it will get raced.

sennidott is spot on, 1992 Cadalora rep, this bike;


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I took it 100 yards up the road when he first got it, but not had a real go and won't be asking for one now.

Define "used as intended", it'll be ridden on track at the Mallory 1000 bikes thing whenever that is but I doubt it will get raced.

sennidott is spot on, 1992 Cadalora rep, this bike;


Festival of 1000 Bikes at Mallory, on the 10th / 11th July. I will be going down to Mallory to have a look and I'm taking my leathers, helmet and best grovelling gear just in case... hey you never know! :)

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Not bad that. For a company that reputedly didn't like 2T's they sure did make a few nice ones.

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ah no gutted, I was meant to be going to 1000 bikes but have work (still its only running cobra's and e types at le mans classic :tumbleweed: )

was gona be riding a well sorted 1940's vellecette 350 racer a 60's ducati 250 single racer and my nc30 race bike and really was looking forward to it. have fun and if anyone goes keep and eye out for the vellecette and ducati, the cette is load as fuck and has a bear with a crash helmet attached to the front number board :eusa_whistle:

awesome bike too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was chatting to rich for a lot of the week end, got some pics of his NSR trackday bike aswell as when he took the RS out. I'll try get them up soon

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heres a pic of the nsr in question and his nxa rs IMGP1906.jpg

I was at Mallory yesterday for the Festival of 1000 bikes.

I saw this MC21 along with the Cadalora rep. RS250.

The RS was even better looking in the flesh than in the pics...

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he's a top bloke rich,also has a mint rothmans 21 sp,i was going to go to mallory yesterday but ended up just mooching about instead :eusa_pray:

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