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rusty chain


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Have had to leave me bike outside past few months and the poor bugger is starting to tell its own sorry tale. Have almost new chain on but sideplates are getting fine surface corrosion on the outside. Gave em a good wire brush n oiled the whole thing but its the same story overnight.

Anybody got good tips for reconditioning chains, including safe products. Bit worried about spraying it with summat that fucks it and instead of having a well lubed chain that dont look so pretty, I end up with a nasty leg accident waiting to happen which looks the biz.

Over to you chaps.

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Parrafin, a stiff bristled plastic brush and lots of time.

I recently recovered a friend's chain (Shortbutsweet on Scottish?) using this method. It took a good while but her chain is nice and clean, free from corrosion and looks pretty good.

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Get yer'sen one of these chain cleaning brushes and as Jaycee says, plenty of paraffin. If your bike lives outside, you might wanna try lubing it with a heavy oil like SAE 80 grade gearbox oil. Messier than chain wax but it'll stay on better. You could also smear some moly grease on just the sideplates.

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I use one of those chain cleaning boxes which I feed with cleaner. It keeps the mess confined to the box and does a great job. Then dry the chain with old towel and leave for a wee while to settle. The chain comes up beautiful. I use an old nail brush on the bits that have corrosion.

Then I use a toothbrush dipped in Scottoil and plaster it well on all four faces esp the hidden side. Run the engine in gear on the stand so the excess flings off onto a newspaper. Then admire the job. I do that once a month or so, maybe.

No substitute for effort where the chain is concerned, I am afraid.


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Muchos grassyarse chaps.

Have an array of small stiff brushes, some paraffin and an ice cream tub to curb the mess.

It's getting attacked when the wheels are in gettin shot of the winter touring tread.

A-star - it's one of tsubaki's gold bling finery. Just dont think any metals are designed to take the corrosive force of the water that falls off the Forth Rail Bridge. Old bike cover located and back in use.

I hate not havin a garage any more!

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Muchos grassyarse chaps.

Have an array of small stiff brushes, some paraffin and an ice cream tub to curb the mess.

It's getting attacked when the wheels are in gettin shot of the winter touring tread.

A-star - it's one of tsubaki's gold bling finery. Just dont think any metals are designed to take the corrosive force of the water that falls off the Forth Rail Bridge. Old bike cover located and back in use.

I hate not havin a garage any more!

Is It the same technique for cleaning a rusty rivvett???? :icon_blackeye:

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