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Jolly 1st on board!!


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I suspect more by luck than judgement, you managed to avoid crossing onto the other side of the road on double white lines by half an inch in the first vid, not that it matters as it's not like there's any evidence is there? :tacheemoticonwh7:

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I'm trying to work out if that was the B1108 or the B1135. :tacheemoticonwh7:

Might have been teh A1075 actually. All nice bits of road though. :icon_blackeye: Good vids mate.

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I'm trying to work out if that was the B1108 or the B1135. :tacheemoticonwh7:

Might have been teh A1075 actually. All nice bits of road though. :icon_blackeye: Good vids mate.

Forward facing is A1088 5 miles of the Ixworth to Thetford and rear ward is from the A134 to RAF Honnington then onto A1088 and home..

My own TT route so great how big are your balls corners

Still can't seem to get the front to stop the high speed waving though??

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Finally got front mount sorted :thumbsup:

Not brilliant but not bad for a £15 mini dv camera of the bay and a home made bracket on front mudgaurd level with spindle!

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