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Mad Sunday crash

Harvey Mushman

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Pillock, no doubt it became one of the many stuffed bikes parked up along Douglas prom with a "please give generously, I was a twat and fucked my bike on Mad Sunday" donation buckets in front of it :eusa_dance:

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What a fucking twat !

That could of been very nasty if the camera bike had hit him or his bike :pbtwerplr3:

Yeah, I'm sure the camera bike owner would've pummeled numpty good and proper :icon_blackeye:

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I can just imagine the conversation had numpty hit the guy with the camera...

Bike cam guy: "Shit, are you ok!!??"

Numpty: "Er, yeah I'm fine"

Bike cam guy: "Oh no you're not, you twat!!!"

Followed by muffled cries that bounce around the hallowed walls of Ramsey as Camera bloke lays into him with his knuckles and boot toe

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The guy in front of the Aprilia got the line wrong, and the yellow peril followed, er at his peril.

Hope the rider was okay.

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How the fuck did he manage that?

No, really. I'm baffled.

Looks like he was gonna make it, then stood the bike up? Was he about to run into the back of the bike in front or something?

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target fixation init.

Ran a bit wide then looked at the field I recon.

Exactly what I was gona say, turned in shit himself looked at the field and probably jumped on the brakes which stood the bike up, he could have easily made that corner.

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Yeah, bloody reliable Aprilia's.

At least i'd have broken down in the coned section before i'd had chance to stack it.

Shame, that's the beginning of my favourite bit of the track. Plenty of nice places to break down on between there & Creg.

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Paying too much attention to the guy in front, I think. Pillock.

I'd say that its almost that - from the overtake of the camera bike and the subsequent fuck-up he was paying too much attention to trying to 'win' at any cost when overtaking the other riders and not enough attention on which way the road was going. Looks like he was going for another close-range "I have a massive cock" stylee buzz-past but didn't have enough gap for it.

The tit.


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That's the difference between idiots who think they can ride fast on the road, and those that really can:



Fuckin' 'ell!

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Looks to me like he's missed his apex by a long way meaning he's not got much room on the exit. It also looks to me like the fella in front of him (Fireblade ?) get's mighty close to the edge too. The chap on the Aprilia has set his speed to roughly the same as the fella in front of him, but because he's missed the apex, he's got less room on the exit than the fella in front of him who has needed it all. Result = Geezer on the Aprilia freezes upon realising it's gonna be close (not sure if he does brake) and just rides into the hedge.

A foot or two closer to the apex and/or a fuckin' good shove on the left handle bar once he realised it was gonna be close would have saved a big repair bill.

The give away is how close the CBR (?) in front of him gets to the edge. The Aprilia rider was also probably saying to himself something like "Fuckin' hell, he's close to the edge, I better make sure I don't....................................oh shiiiiiiit !"

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We passed that Aprillia at about 6am on Mad Sunday morning. It would be fair to say that it was looking decidedly second-hand :lol:

He appears to be one of the many who were on the island this year who had plenty fast bikes but lacked the ability to ride them fast :shock:

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That's the difference between idiots who think they can ride fast on the road, and those that really can:


Farking arseholes! That puts the Sunday rideout into perspective

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He may have got on the gas a bit too early in his desperation to pass the rider in front and ran out of road/balls/skill*. Eitherway, he's a tit for wrecking what looked like a nice-looking Aprilia.

*delete as appropriate

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It's the build up to that McGuinness vid that makes that such a bonkers clip - where is he gonna come from? the sky? that sound aint human.

Much respect :(

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