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Are my tyres shafted already?


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Hi Peeps,

I run mezler Rennsport (road) on my R6 trackbike. Normaly i can eek 4 trackdays out of them. I dont run warmers.

The set ive got on at the mo have seen only one cool trackday at cadwell. As mentioned, i normaly get upto 4 trackdays out of em. Got another trackday coming up next week but ive just noticed that my rear tyre has gone blue already.I know blue tyres normaly mean shagged tyre but Its not gone blue all the way around, just in two localized patches. Never seen this before.

Have a look at these and tell me what you guys think.

The first pic shows the two localized spots i refere too and the 2nd pic shows the tyre rotated slightly.



oh and i run it at 28 psi.

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its just were the oils are coming to the surface,if you give the bike a real good thrashing till the rear is seme moltern,the next day they go this coulur,as iv said its the oils coming to the surface,iv neaver realy bothered about it.

ohh and on futher examination,them tyres look like a good rider on a well set up bike,good man :D

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ohh and on futher examination,them tyres look like a good rider on a well set up bike,good man :D

LOL Thanks mate! I do alright considering i`m on a 9 year old bike!

Been road riding for about twenty years with just the odd trackday in that time. Been serios into trackdays for about 5 years now. Just never seen tyres go blue in patches like that.

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They're fucked...

I'll give you a tenner for 'em so i can recycle them and I'm cuttin' me own froat....

Yo pay postage, btw...



My own, not very good, measure of a tyre's performance is based on "Do I feel confident in it?" + "Does it grip like I want?" - I've been happier with 4000 mile D207RRs on track than brand new 209GP racers................ If they feel good for you then they're good, innit?


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"Does it grip like I want?"

Unfortunately you tend to find out it doesn't grip like you want at the worst moment, i.e. when you really want it to grip.

Depends how fast you are and what you're doing but why the hell are you running road tyres on a track bike? This is exactly what they do, blue up and die.

You'd be better off (financially and grip wise) with decent race scrubs from a club racer. Just go to a meet, don't buy the junk pedaled on ebay.

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Unfortunately you tend to find out it doesn't grip like you want at the worst moment, i.e. when you really want it to grip.

Depends how fast you are and what you're doing but why the hell are you running road tyres on a track bike? This is exactly what they do, blue up and die.

You'd be better off (financially and grip wise) with decent race scrubs from a club racer. Just go to a meet, don't buy the junk pedaled on ebay.

Thanks Fonty. I run the rennsports cos they are cheap and do the bizz without having to mess with warmers.

I`m (or i like to think) a pretty quick rider and dont have too many problems in the fast group. Never had them go blue in this way before.

As it turned out, they were fine yesterday at oulton and strangely have gone nice and black again with no sign of the bluing anymore.

I think i`m going to give wamers ago next season, so will have a look around in the paddock of a club meet for some scubs then.

What sort of scrubs do you look out for?

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When they go blue it means they have gone through a heat cycle, this dosnt mean they are "fucked" it means they have 3 -4 more heat cycles left in them, before they go hard.

Heat cycles are normally generated on trackdays when the tyre heats up then cools down, the blue is the natural oils coming out of the rubber.

If you use tyre warmers, the tyre wont cool down between sessions, thus you only get one heat cycle at the end of your day.

This is why cheap "only used for on test day" ebay tyres are not such a great bargin. (imo)

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