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Too Close for Comfort – Riders Barely Escape from Head-on Collision


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That was a bit too close !! I thought the first bloke was gonna go chase the fucker down!!

They were all playing on the road though at the end of the day so its all about how much risk you want to take.

Also the orange tyre is the GHEY

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Aye, but the fucker they met was overtaking around a blind bend. They should have followed him and then beaten him to death with a shitty sock, the fucking cunt.

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I am pretty sure this was on a road called the dragon.

I was there a few years back and it is mental scary in that you have big trucks, cars and dicks on harleys plus loads of fast yanks on sports bikes on a 11 mile road with 300 odd corners.

Never seen so many accidents.

I dont blame the guy for not stopping tho, its hillbilly country and they all seem to love there guns.

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