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Starter rollers

holty 225

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When I was looking at them, they cost more than the bike so I started to build one. Sadly it never got finished. The plan was to use a car starter motor to drive a minimoto wheel.

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When I was looking at them, they cost more than the bike so I started to build one. Sadly it never got finished. The plan was to use a car starter motor to drive a minimoto wheel.

Is there much of a market for the roller starters? I'm guessing the price is down to the limited numbers they make.

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I need to get some starter rollers for my SRX.

Anyone out there know where i can get some from?

Cheers :icon_salut:

May I firstly laugh at how obviously difficult your big single is to start :rock:

Next I will try to be vaguely helpful if possible.

Have you considered secondary vehicle starters?

They are essentially a set of rollers that sit under one wheel of your van/car, (i presume) you then jack up the other side and then someone puts the van into drive. You sitting with your (back) wheel of the bike between the rollers promptly gets the bike bumped.

I image that they should be inexpensive because of the simplicity, but have no idea where to get them and imagine they're more than a little heavy. I'm fairly sure i've seen someone use them in the ES paddock, so a post up on there will undoubtedly be rewarded with rafts of information.

The other option is homemage roller starters, from the limited research i've done on the internet the popular options seem to be lawnmowers, mini-motos and generator motors with a kart wheel and sturdy handle bolted on where needed.

Each one could easily be acheived for 100-200 notes.

My other suggestions include lots of cycling or getting super fit for all that kicking/running.

(As for giving you something to laugh at, the gpshed build is taking a little longer than expected, so it looks like a mallory/cadwell start for me rather than anglesey - though I do have an SRX seat unit on it.)

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Yeah there was a lad at oulton with a home made set of rollers under his transit rear wheel seemed to do the jod(although his mrs didnt have the best throttle control in the van) his were two lengths of scaf tube with bearings in either end mounted in an angle iron frame with a bright steel rod right through (if you get my drift) seem to work well.

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Yeah there was a lad at oulton with a home made set of rollers under his transit rear wheel seemed to do the jod(although his mrs didnt have the best throttle control in the van) his were two lengths of scaf tube with bearings in either end mounted in an angle iron frame with a bright steel rod right through (if you get my drift) seem to work well.

Exactly, dirt cheap to source bits, piece of piss to knock together.

I think super fat would be better, get a bit of leverage on the kickstart.

Pie and cake anyone?

Holty yesterday:


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I don't know how much help it is, but I have all the CAD drawings of the one that I have made. It cost about £15 in steel and then the cost for the engine, a Honda GX140 in my case, 5hp so it's enough to start my SV and more powerful than Mike Edward's homemade one. If it came to it, I could build another one, I have some modifications I'd like to make to mine anyway.

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