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need help,wife has a suzuki 125 marauder some times start some times doesn't ,took plug out and laid on head some times a spark then not. cant work it out new plug and when running no problem any help and ideas thanks :angry:

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some times dud plugs do this,intermitant spark,but could be the plug cap or ht lead.

Work from the plug backwards?

Check and change the plug

Check the HT Leads

Check coils


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  • 4 weeks later...

now we have changed plug coil and ht lead, starts ok cold but if hot and stops will not fire up unless left for about 10 mins any help

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sometimes if you turn it of it wont start, plus also my wife stalled it it wouldnt go but then again sometimes it would , so no consistancy baffled :icon_salut:

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is there a rubber or plastic manifold between the carb and engine?

Could it be the fuel is being vaporised out of the carb because the carb is getting hot if it is bolted directly to the engine?

is the fuel takn breather blocked?

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