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Lengthening a sidestand

Corners R Us

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Due to the shortened dog bones on the rear of my TRX which help speed up the Exon Valdis slow turning speed, it means that the old girl leans over at a fair angle on her sidestand. Whilst its never fallen over I'm mindful of an impending ferry journey to France and I want it to stand more upright. Consequently I've just got hold of a second hand sidestand via eGay for £7.98 inc P&P with the intention of modifying it.

Question: would you cut and shut it (strength?) or plate the end in some way (stronger but unsightly?). Or is there some better solution I've not thought of?

Anyone done this or got any suggesions.

All useful comments appreciated.



If it's steel (I'm guessing it is) then the cut and shut can be fairly neat and need not be any weaker than the original. I've seen it done with both stands and kickstarts and never seen one go. The other option is modify the stand off another bike to fit, Cagiva Mito's have a pretty long stand that also looks quite trick (they're ally though so more of a pain if welding is needed) or something off a trail bike like a Yam WR or something? Hope that helps, Ben.


i've just bought these off eBay, do you want one of them? I was hoping to lop the foot off my TDR stand, and (ask a friend to) weld a tube into the end to thread the foot into. The stand can then be extended when i use the off road wheels, and shortened for the 17 inchers.

They also sell M8 versions.


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