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Converting to 520 from 525


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I'm in the process of planning my TRX rebuild and don't want an o-ring chain on it. I've looked and searched, both high and low, and can't find a non o-ring 525 chain. People seem to want to sell me stuff I don't need. Would I be asking for trouble if I used a non o-ring 520 and matching sprockets, rather than the standard 525? Plus, a non o-ring 520 can be bought from off road sites in longer lengths. It's not like the bike's a supercharged Hedgeabuser or anything.


Cos I don't want one, I'd rather have the extra 0.1bhp back :) I just prefer simple stuff, that's all.


Shouldn't be a problem as such. You'll need a good quality chain, though. You'll also need to keep the chain lube handy as the non O-ring chain will need a lot more care to get reasonable chain and sprocket life. Not worth it for the road, IMO. Racing, yes.


I'd guess the reduced losses from a 525 to a 520 would give most of the improvement, not the 0-ring part...but as has been said, race bikes don't have o-rings. But them proper racing chains are very expensive.

If you speak with the distributor, any chain is available cut to length, or as a long roll...whatever you want.

Although the power isn't an issue, keep an eye on chain wear -as a twin there would be a fair amount of chain slap, specially in high gear/low throttle openings.


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