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Power Comanders can I fiddle with it?


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Or do I need a rolling road set up? Which I cant afford.

See below, this is causing me pain, its on my 999s and it barely runs below 3k, bogs down like hell if I get on the gas to hard and is generaly pissing me off. It has buttons, can I press them?

Seriously, anyone know what they are doing, I clearly dont but have little to loose. Knowing which button does what would be a huge help though if anyone can advise?


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Is there an option to download the map which is on the PowerCommander and back it up to your PC? That way you could at least experiment with a generic '999s + end can' (or whatever spec is closest to yours) map off the dynojet website knowing that if it makes the matter worse you can revert to your current setup.

When you get a dyno operator to make a custom map, I guess they begin by tweaking what you've got? If this is the case then you could save dyno time (and of course money) by turning up with a reasonable map already??

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not sure about on those, however the 848 needs a DP chip as well to allow the tweaking of the lower rev range (the stock one insists on taking over I believe). might be worth checking out on ducatisti.co.uk or similar...

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Thanks Banoffee, I am a member there, will check. Fuggin Iti stuff.

Credit where its due, Dynojet guys are a bloody good bunch of lads. Talked me through everything, apparently the bike needs to be running to upload the map(DOH!) and it is now a different bike. And all for free. Cracking stuff.

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