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ignore what it's advertising for a second

Guest bikertiger

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*Definitely* don't tell Rompy what it's advertising - a carbon fibre credit card, FFS!

Ah but is it?

Apart from the fact that a CF 'exclusive' credit card is just about as gauche as it is possible to be (Hello the eighties called... they'd like their marketing strategy back) the only references I heard in the voiceover and on their site say

For those who demand only the best of what life has to offer, the Visa Black Card is for you. The Black Card is not just another piece of plastic. Made with carbon it is the ultimate buying tool.

Made with carbon eh? ooooohhhh...

ah, ermmm you mean like plastic? Made with fuckloads of carbon. Gosh it does sound aspirational these days doesn't it? If only the Coal Board had thought of it. :eusa_pray:

edit: The ad btw is very cool, even if it is blatant marketing :eusa_whistle:

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Loved the ultra slo mo shots. Especially the after the chopper took off.

Takes some balls to jump UP off of a helicopter too.

So, what do you think of my house and Mrs.?

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Cool ad hot chick nice bike, nice helicopter, cool as fuck boat what more do you want :angry:

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that clip had everything hot chick hot bike helicopters what more could you ask for

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