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The New Donininton park


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Remember this lovely day?


I never got a chance to ride donington park, but I always love the layout! It look so fast... Im so sad now :icon_puke_r:

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I got some pics at the save Donington day.


Lots of work including crash barriers


I didn't realise the extent of work until I watched the video.

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I never got a chance to ride donington park, but I always love the layout! It look so fast... Im so sad now :icon_puke_r:

Have done a few days there and I was always shit slow, but I loved the track - fast in the fast bits, but dog slow in the slow bits. Which is why a lot of people didn't like it... It'll be back.. I hope

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It boils my piss what those greedy F1 wankers have done to Donington.

A lot of money needs to be spend on that to put it right. The only saving grace seems to be that the track and it's foundations are largely still there.

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To be honest, the track itself doesn't look that bad. Certainly nothing that can't be fixed.

The spectator areas look farked, but that's more a case of planting some grass seed than anything else..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have patience people, who ever the new lease holders are will probably have plans to get it up and making money as soon as posible. Donnington was my first trackday in 2003. Been adicted since then. It won't be idle for long...Watch this space!

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I'm confused as to how it got into that state, what were the contractors thinking... it's like a patchwork of upfucks

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The track itself isn't as bad as I'd been lead to believe. Just hope they get someone in soon enough to put it all right.

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Does anyone know if they plan to continue with changing the track as I think the planned layout looked better than the existing one, eradicating the car park section from the esses to the now pit straight.

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Does anyone know if they plan to continue with changing the track as I think the planned layout looked better than the existing one, eradicating the car park section from the esses to the now pit straight.

Ah, but without that section we wouldn't have had the spectacle of Gobert backing the Kawasaki into Melbourne Loop in a clearly impossible manner.

I couldn't find it on youtube, but as compensation here's a piece of vintage Gobert, riding the kwak round the outside of Kocinski, presumably because nobody has told him it's impossible :eusa_whistle:


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