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Breaking a chain


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Ok, so I decided to change the chain and sprockets on my SV650. No problem.

I've got the rear wheel out and the sprocket changed and now I want to break the chain, wrong order really but oh well! I've had a look and can't see any centre punched links so I'm assuming the chain is 'endless'. I got myself a chain breaker but I have a question before I start at it,

can I just break the chain anywhere? Or is there a specific link to do it on? Like I say all of them appear to be the same?

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Just cut it off its easyer than breaking it.

What he said. Or if you'd rather not be quite so brutal then you can use a grinder to take off the end of one of the rivets where it's been peened (sp?) over and then use a chain tool on it.

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I don't have anything to cut it off with, so I was thinking a chain tool would be better. Also, I'm worried I'd mess up and chop the swingarm!

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I don't have anything to cut it off with, so I was thinking a chain tool would be better. Also, I'm worried I'd mess up and chop the swingarm!

buy cheapest angle grinder you can as easy peasy just grind off any 2 heads you like on same link then use chain tool to push out the ground off links. Just be careful when re-making the chain that you dont want to pinch it up too tight and give yourself a tight spot or you will be buying a new link and staring again. Just remember as long as you get a bit of a swelling (fnar fnar) on rivet there is no way it is coming off and dont go mad. Saying that i put a new chain on my old r1 both of us a bit pissed with my mate holding a big hammer as an anvil and me wacking the rivet over! Was a grand job.

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buy cheapest angle grinder you can

I got one from B&Q last year for about £9 I think, cost me about £15 all in witha couple of discs and a pair of goggles.

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I got one from B&Q last year for about £9 I think, cost me about £15 all in witha couple of discs and a pair of goggles.

Got mine from Maplin with a grinding disc for about £6

And goggles ? using a grinder is a cool thing, and you should only ever wear a nice pair of Ray-bans (or a face shield if you're actually doing proper grinding, on big stuff like pressure vessels with a nine-incher) :eusa_think:

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I used to just grind any two rivet heads off with a grinder then get an old flatblade screwdriver in-hanner it between using it as a wedge!Sounds brutal but works every time.Careful not to shower your wheels etc with grinding sparks-i always use a chain rivetter to re install though-surprising how many cheapo nasty chainbreakers there are on the market-if youre going to buy one buy a goodun!

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In the Olden days, when I had a bike with one of them there chain things (TF's ZZR) I never used a grinder, just a good quality chain breaker/fixer..

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Got mine from Maplin with a grinding disc for about £6

And goggles ? using a grinder is a cool thing, and you should only ever wear a nice pair of Ray-bans

I did but they kept falling off my head when I leant down. Don't worry, the solution was both elegant and simple.


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Classy goggles there!

I've only ever used a breaker and it's always been enough. and re-used the same rivet (unlike on bicycles when I always replace the rivet with a new one)

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I was incredibly old fashioned getting my old chain off...

It took a while to hacksaw through it but it did work :) (the chain was an "endless" one)

Fortunately I do have a lovely new rivet tool to get the new one off when it needs replacing next time.

Get the old one off with whatever tools you have to hand that will cut through it. And it has been said before but be careful not to go too far with your new tool, no-one likes a tight link :lol:

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If it's an endless chain, when do you stop cutting? Hmmm...

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Ended up buying an angle grinder and cutting it off, nice and quick but i ran out of time and had to give up for the night. Hopefully I'll get the new one on tonight.

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I just use a few cheap grinding heads in a drill that I bought for fuck all euros. Grind off a head, and use the chain tool to push out the pin. No worries!


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