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A rather lovely road safety message.

For once not using graphic scenes of injury. I was worried it would be schmaltzy (I have a very low tolerance) but it isn't.

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Nice approach to education.. Now lets see a few more "think once, think twice, think bike!" campaigns, it's fine all these day dreamers in their tin boxes on the phone and the last thing on their mind is actually thinking about driving. Out here in the USA they have a big sticker that says " Save a life, look Twice!!" and a picture of a motorbike.. Don't know if it really works but I like that they are trying to do something.

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Brilliant, moving, effective and hits on so many levels. Why have I not seen it before, why is it not on prime time ad space? *grumble*

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A rather lovely road safety message.

For once not using graphic scenes of injury. I was worried it would be schmaltzy (I have a very low tolerance) but it isn't.


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