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Is it wrong that I laughed


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and THATs why you wear a full face lid. lol.

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That is pure comedy. The (I think French, I deffinately heard "merd") - is the cherry on the cake.

I just love the way it looks like he's never sized it up for speed or anything, just ran at it and woooosh! Excellent!

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What did he think would happen? Even if he'd landed alright, he'd have been straight into the fencing around the tennis court!

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What did he think would happen? Even if he'd landed alright, he'd have been straight into the fencing around the tennis court!

+1. Idiot.

Funny as feck, though.

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Not only laugh at it, but point AND laugh at it. Fucking imbecile. As Bernster says, he'd never even give it a slow run just to see what would happen.

One born every fifteen minutes apparently.


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young guys applying BMX/Mountain bik jumping theory to Motorbikes. Did it myslef when I was 11 on my mates PW80. He dared me to jump it over a jump on a dort road that we used to fly off of on our BMXs. I charged flat out down the pathr towards this big hump, gotthrown clear into a tree and the bike was fairly bent. His Dad wasn't best pleased with us. He told his Dad that he had done it, even though I was the one bleeding and grazed. He had been told not to let me ride it after I had passed his mum on the road.

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Funny as !

I love the way he doesn't even stand up to take the jump !!

It's like as though he's never jumped over anything in his life before heading flat out over an impossibly sharp lift off ramp with no run off.

I believe if he'd have got his arse out of the seat on lift off he may well have landed (on his face) in the tennis court.

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