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Love, speed and loss


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This film brought tears to my eyes...

A documentary about motor-racer Kim Newcombe, who turned heads in the 70s on a König motorbike he developed and designed himself. He was killed racing in 1973 and posthumously came second in that year's World 500cc Grand Prix. The film mixes interviews and underdog triumph on the track scenes, with Super 8 footage of family life on the circuit, and poignant wife-of-maverick reflections from his widow Janeen. Love, Speed and Loss won best documentary at the 2007 Qantas TV Awards and Air NZ Screen Awards for best documentary, directing, and editing.


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I had the privilege of watching this film on the flight home from Dubai. Its a very well put together documentary of film, cine camera from the time and interviews with people recently. Its an amazing insight into what racing used to be like, I couldn't imagine half of today's MotoGP boys living out of transit vans and putting up with the conditions these guys did.

The amazing ability of Newcombe not only as a racer but also as an engineer is amazing. If you haven't seen it, try to.

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Beautiful film, love all of the old racing footage. The man was something special.

It's very sad to think about the amount of talented and brave men who have lost their lives needlessly to motorsports from lack regard to rider safety by event organisers.

Thanks for the link. :icon_blackeye:

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