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I know I shouldn't laugh...


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You shouldn't laff, but you need to watch the whole programme.

It is quite possibly THE funniest thing I have seen on the TV. Ever.

I want to book 'Chopper' for the entertainment at my wedding :icon_salut: ... 'Another gay man!'

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"If he could meet somebody who could look beyond the Tourettes symptoms, be able to find somebody to get on with, settle down with...


I truly FPMSL!! :eusa_pray:

...and very nearly created my first snot bubble in years!! :D

It's just as well that they've got such a good sense of humour about their condition, else you'd surely go insane!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The bit in the relaxation session..

"Picture in your mind a beautiful green field"


Then he does that semi jump kinda thing in the chair..... I`m actually crying whilst typing this.

This NEEDs to go on the general thread so more people can see it.

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I'm sorry but when slaps his forehead and the other one jumps it fucking kills me... :)

Same here!!

Just played it to the missus and she was in bits too!!

I swear to god, the next time I`m in the pub I`m gonna use some of them one liners.

"Johnny Davidson!!!"



Just randomly in a conversation, and then carry on as normal as if nothings happened.

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"If he could meet somebody who could look beyond the Tourettes symptoms, be able to find somebody to get on with, settle down with...


I truly FPMSL!! :thumbsup:

...and very nearly created my first snot bubble in years!! :D

It's just as well that they've got such a good sense of humour about their condition, else you'd surely go insane!

Just saw that part and literally couldn't hold myself together... It might be the cider but I think it was the genuine sincerity of what he was saying and then just said that... God damn that's funny...

Hell here I come!

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Did anyone see the first programme about John ? It was screened in about 1988 when he was about 8 or 10. They showed it on tv one night without any preamble and none of us watching had even heard of Tourettes before this. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen on tv. I watched it at a mate's house and we couldnt work out if it was a real condition or some sick spoof documentary.

The deadpan commentator made it funnier still.

'Here John is in the supermarket trying not to call his mother a GENT'

Of course the very next words we hear are John shouting 'MOTHER GENT'

Then there was John's birthday and they had an upturned tuppawear dish covering the cake.

Commentator 'They have to cover the cake to stop John spitting on it'

I am glad John's life is working out and he is getting support. I am more glad still I dont live next door to him.

Classic tv.


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It's completely wrong to mock the afflicted you know .

This is a serious life affecting condition and shouldn't be used for others amusement .

I'm quite shocked that people find this funny ....

BWAAAH HA HA HA cough ...snort ... dribble ...

As you were ...

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Nope, I don't find this sort of thing funny at all. Not in the slightest...

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Anyone that was amused should have a look at 'Cant Stop Eating' on Sky 3 now.

They are just as funny and fat too.

this bloke is a proper star,he used to go into a busy shop where my girlfriend used to work and shouted BIG TITS ! at top of his voice at her, laugh i nearly fell off me chair.

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there was another program called tourettes camp. they sent some kids to an American tourettes camp.now that was funny, especially the girl arriving at the airport check in shouting"iv got a bomb" te he.

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there was another program called tourettes camp. they sent some kids to an American tourettes camp.now that was funny, especially the girl arriving at the airport check in shouting"iv got a bomb" te he.

I watched the whole program. "Jen gives head!" Funny shit.

Classic face on the mum in the shop when the daughter shouted the N word as a couple of black people walked past! She fucking bricked it!

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I watched a program a few years back - Keith Allen's Tourrette de France, where Keith Allen took a bus load of Tourrettes sufferers to France

One of the funniest things I'd seen for years

short clip here :


Zinedine Zidane!

Yep, I'm definitely set for the fires of hell now...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just noticed on the TV listings "Tourettes: I swear I can't help it" on at 9 tonight (ie now!) on BBC1

I best not laugh too loud, the wife is trying to sleep off a sickness bug :eusa_whistle:

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