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Global Warming? Pish.


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So, you beleive what you beleive irrespective of the facts. Its a religious thing then? :)

Yeah, and even if global warming were happening then it is an extra leap of faith to agree that the human race is responsible. And as he points out, faith should have no part in deciding our actions.

When was this video shot? Unfortunately it seems that the liars have infiltrated achedemia these days and the universities are lying for them now as shown by the recent scandal on the data fixing.

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Class. I'll be honest, I thought from his suit and her face it's an old video, although still a current issue. He did far too good a job though, so they decided to 'fix' all the readings so anyone checking would find 'proof' that all the CO2 taxation was well founded.

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You got to feel sorry for her for about a second though eh? She got intellectually hammered.

IMHO its all bollox anyway, climate of fear, excuse for taxation etc etc.

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You got to feel sorry for her for about a second though eh? She got intellectually hammered.

IMHO its all bollox anyway, climate of fear, excuse for taxation etc etc.

Nah, can't feel sorry for a nitwit like her. More of them need to be challenged in this way but it is difficult because you have to do lots homework and have the facts at hand. Most of them will have the results of bogus 'studies' and surveys that've been manipulated and use them as justification too.

Isn't it ironic that the environmental movement is being used in this way by the big money in order to find new ways of keeping people fearful, ignorant and subserviant.... As Dave pointed out, they are basically just like religious people because they believe what they are told almost without question as long as the whole herd is in accord....

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You got to feel sorry for her for about a second though eh? She got intellectually hammered.

She is due credit for listening, but thats about it. Having not researched the data her argument was based on, she wanted to research his...either research everything or accept your view may be based on crap.

There arn't many people that could have kept up the discussion as he did...piss funny he knew the university she chose then rubbished their data.

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As Dave pointed out, they are basically just like religious people because they believe what they are told almost without question as long as the whole herd is in accord....

Do you recon greenpeace pass round a begging bowl during their meetings? This could be a new topic for Dan Brown...

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Class. I'll be honest, I thought from his suit and her face it's an old video, although still a current issue.

Nope, the Recent G8 Summit. Those figures are absolutely up to date.

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She should've just given up and walked away :eusa_whistle:

Some folks just don't know when they're beat!

Nope...I'd much rather they understood their point of view was wrong rather than spout claptrap they insist we should all listen too. Even if they do both, we know :thumbsup:

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Unfortunately it seems that the liars have infiltrated achedemia these days and the universities are lying for them now as shown by the recent scandal on the data fixing.

Ahem, that would be the environmental dept at the University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich.

I go climbing in their sports centre twice a week, you should see some of the beaardy, teacosy wearing, hemp shoe shod, treehugging lentil botherers that come out of the EnvScience blocks. Those are the lecturers too :wtfmore: Promoting their own agenda doesnt surprise me at all.

There's a reason why locals regard the 'UEA' to stand for 'The Univeristy of Easy Access' :eusa_whistle:

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Ahem, that would be the environmental dept at the University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich.

I go climbing in their sports centre twice a week, you should see some of the beaardy, teacosy wearing, hemp shoe shod, treehugging lentil botherers that come out of the EnvScience blocks. Those are the lecturers too :tacheemoticonwh7: Promoting their own agenda doesnt surprise me at all.

There's a reason why locals regard the 'UEA' to stand for 'The Univeristy of Easy Access' :shock:

That's the one....

Cool, I really need to get back to doing some climbing one of these days!

They really ought to rethink that acroynm... It should be something more along the lines of 'achedemic prostitutes sold to the highest bidder.' You can just imagine what kind of money they must be getting through various channels from 'green' technology companies and the likes of Goldman with their carbon offset trading bullshit.... (Otherwise know as yet more legal rape of the real economy.)

Oh dear, I got started again!!!

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I thought we had done global warming and concluded -rightly, as has the primary leader of the western world, Barack Obama - that it is an issue of such importance that it requires immediate worldwide action to start the process of addressing the problem.

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Has anyone else noticed how the "Global Warming" tag has been subtly dropped in favour of "Climate Change", so that now whenever there is a freakish weather pattern other than average temp, rain fall, etc they can keep banging on about it ?

And, the Great British media, particularly the BBC and ITV, decide to visit Antarctica during the summer months to film ice bergs melting, as they do every summer, when it gets a bit warmer, due to the change in season :dribble:

They even reported with advice from the government funded Met Office, that we are going to have a record mild winter, um when is that then ???

It's all pish. I don't disagree that we, collectively, need to stop raping our fossil fuels reserves, stop pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and find cleaner more efficient ways to get about the place. But, please don't say that it is due to global warming or climate change because that is just a load of bollocks and scientists well respected, far more knowledgeable than me, have been saying this for years. The only ones that don't are the ones seeking government grants.

Fuck this os one subject that really boils my piss, there is NO PROOF that human activity is warming the planet.

Edited to say vid must have been fairly recent due to reference made to hurricane Katrina by the hippy bitch, init !!!

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Has anyone else noticed how the "Global Warming" tag has been subtly dropped in favour of "Climate Change", so that now whenever there is a freakish weather pattern other than average temp, rain fall, etc they can keep banging on about it ?

And, the Great British media, particularly the BBC and ITV, decide to visit Antarctica during the summer months to film ice bergs melting, as they do every summer, when it gets a bit warmer, due to the change in season :)

They even reported with advice from the government funded Met Office, that we are going to have a record mild winter, um when is that then ???

It's all pish. I don't disagree that we, collectively, need to stop raping our fossil fuels reserves, stop pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and find cleaner more efficient ways to get about the place. But, please don't say that it is due to global warming or climate change because that is just a load of bollocks and scientists well respected, far more knowledgeable than me, have been saying this for years. The only ones that don't are the ones seeking government grants.

Fuck this os one subject that really boils my piss, there is NO PROOF that human activity is warming the planet.

Edited to say vid must have been fairly recent due to reference made to hurricane Katrina by the hippy bitch, init !!!

Sadly you don't need proof for anything these days... In fact you haven't needed proof since one cave man made another caveman worship the sun, moon, etc... In fact, maybe sacrificing virgins, buring the politically incorrect, etc will take off again soon.... Maybe they are coming to get us already!

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Brilliant, if only more people like him would speak out against the trendy "green" lobby.

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and in the interest of balance...

Lord Monkton is pretty much regarded as a swivel-eyed lunatic by everybody debating scientific issues tbh.

If you put Nick Griffin in a debate against an earnest, well meaning but ill-informed person who is very poor at debating he would no doubt wipe the floor with them...

...doesn't mean that racism is right though does it? :icon_salut:

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and in the interest of balance...

Lord Monkton is pretty much regarded as a swivel-eyed lunatic by everybody debating scientific issues tbh.

If you put Nick Griffin in a debate against an earnest, well meaning but ill-informed person who is very poor at debating he would no doubt wipe the floor with them...

...doesn't mean that racism is right though does it? ;)

Can you clarify who regards him as such? ....Are these people just smearing him personally to avoid debating the issues and the evidence? That seems like a pretty common theme these days.

I reckon Nick Griffin falls into the category of ill informed and I don't think he's the world's greatest debater. I think he'd have trouble wiping the floor with anyone inteligent and well informed.

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Can you clarify who regards him as such? ....Are these people just smearing him personally to avoid debating the issues and the evidence? That seems like a pretty common theme these days.

I reckon Nick Griffin falls into the category of ill informed and I don't think he's the world's greatest debater. I think he'd have trouble wiping the floor with anyone inteligent and well informed.

pretty much anybody who's reasonable, but don't take my word for it - please take a quick search around the news archives he's a real character.

And your (wholly accurate) assessment of Griffin actually reinforces my point.

i.e. If he bests somebody really clever in an argument will it change your opinion on his policies? Certainly wouldn't change my mind, but I might be annoyed with the debater who'd missed their opportunity and dropped the ball... which in a somewhat circular way takes us back to the video...

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and in the interest of balance...

Lord Monkton is pretty much regarded as a swivel-eyed lunatic by everybody debating scientific issues tbh.

If you put Nick Griffin in a debate against an earnest, well meaning but ill-informed person who is very poor at debating he would no doubt wipe the floor with them...

...doesn't mean that racism is right though does it? :D

Lunatic maybe, but are his points incorrect -specifically global cooling for the last 15 years? If so they may find it a lot more constructive to address his points and show them as incorrect. His other youtube videos show campaigners for greenpeace unable to support their point of view...not good when your party is attempting to change political policy.

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pretty much anybody who's reasonable, but don't take my word for it - please take a quick search around the news archives he's a real character.

And your (wholly accurate) assessment of Griffin actually reinforces my point.

i.e. If he bests somebody really clever in an argument will it change your opinion on his policies? Certainly wouldn't change my mind, but I might be annoyed with the debater who'd missed their opportunity and dropped the ball... which in a somewhat circular way takes us back to the video...

Anyone reasonable? The the argument would be that they are reasonable because they think he's a loon? And he's a loon because 'reasonable' people say so... Doesn't sound like an intelligent argument to me..... They should be debating the issues and the evidence. Otherwise it sounds like they are just trying to rubbish the truth.

I did a quick search but didn't find any loony behaviour... Not even a single pic with underpants on his head! I'd be interested if you can find any?

I don't think my assessment of Griffin reinforces your point? I thought your point was that even a nasty loony can intellectually wipe the floor with someone uninformed, poor at debating, well meaning, but correct. My point is that if the evidence supports his position then I'm likely to change my opinion. Are you suggesting that you'll hold your opinions to the bitter end, no matter what evidence emerges to contrict you? Are you the pope? ;-)

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Anyone reasonable? The the argument would be that they are reasonable because they think he's a loon? And he's a loon because 'reasonable' people say so... Doesn't sound like an intelligent argument to me..... They should be debating the issues and the evidence. Otherwise it sounds like they are just trying to rubbish the truth.

I did a quick search but didn't find any loony behaviour... Not even a single pic with underpants on his head! I'd be interested if you can find any?

I don't think my assessment of Griffin reinforces your point? I thought your point was that even a nasty loony can intellectually wipe the floor with someone uninformed, poor at debating, well meaning, but correct. My point is that if the evidence supports his position then I'm likely to change my opinion. Are you suggesting that you'll hold your opinions to the bitter end, no matter what evidence emerges to contrict you? Are you the pope? ;-)

I didn't want to start cut 'n' pasting various links to argue on the internet because frankly that's tedious and nobody reads any of it anyway... but seriously did you simply Google 'Lord Monckton'? even a quick scan of the results does tend to suggest he resides at the far end of the spectrum with the fanatical naysayers wouldn't you say?

And of course so does the Greenpeace member - she's residing at t'other end, fanatical in her beliefs and probably similarly unlikely to change her mind any time soon.

So you have a video with two fanatics trading words. Super. I don't know much about the Climate, feck all really and it's certainly too complicated for an argument on YouTube to clear up, it's just the knee-jerk reaction these things get is really tedious - yeah it is all a big swindle that the scientists and government are in on.

This government?

G Brown and his mates?

They've successfully conspired to force the worlds scientists to... ah fuckit...

Perhaps I'm just annoyed because even though I work for a university Science faculty I seem to have missed the meeting where we were all briefed to agree to an enormous conspiracy... I must have been sick that day. Wait a minute I haven't been off sick in ages! Dammit! I bet all those researchers are keeping me in the dark, the bastards. Think they're so flash with their sportscars and champagne and those mysterious cheques that keep arriving. :icon_blackeye:

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yeah it is all a big swindle that the scientists and government are in on.

This government?

G Brown and his mates?

They've successfully conspired to force the worlds scientists to... ah fuckit...

Perhaps I'm just annoyed because even though I work for a university Science faculty I seem to have missed the meeting where we were all briefed to agree to an enormous conspiracy... I must have been sick that day. Wait a minute I haven't been off sick in ages! Dammit! I bet all those researchers are keeping me in the dark, the bastards. Think they're so flash with their sportscars and champagne and those mysterious cheques that keep arriving. :blink:

The thing is though that the scientists have been caught with their pants down. The CRU (who were pretty big players in the AGW world) has been caught making the evidence fit the theory. Some fairly influentially data and ideas - like the infamous hockey stick graph - has been shown to have been, at best fudged and at worst fabricated. I don't believe that there is an organised conspiracy by governments but I do believe there has been some bad science and that various politicians have seen the idea of AGW as an opportunity to use the theory to their own ends. Old Gordy does love to save the world.

It seems to me that no one has successfully proved that CO2 drives climate change or that temperature changes in the last hundred years were in anyway unprecedented. Contrary to what the IPCC claim - that the science is settled - I don't believe the science is settled at all. After all a member of the IPCC has just come out with research claiming that we are about to enter a 30 year cooling period; so if one of the AGW bigwigs is disagreeing with the rest of his panel there's no way the science is settled.

I've been trying to get to the bottom of this argument for a few months and there are so many different theories, datasets etc that I don't think anyone's got a scooby about what's really happening with the planet's climate but I can't find definitive proof that CO2 is driving the planet's temperature upwards or that we're seeing anything particularly abnormal. If I find some I will change my position.

I also think this debate is drawing attention away from the real issues of pollution, overcrowding, habitat destruction, starvation etc. I wish people would have world summits about that stuff instead.

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So Chris, what are your thoughts on climate change?

I personally don't believe a word of anyone when they say 'humans will have a massive effect on the climate'. My arse. All life on this planet is here because of the natually-occurring climate change and that ain't gonna change.

The resources we plunder, however, is an entirely different matter, which is why I recycle, use energy saving lightbulbs, re-use carrier bags, etc etc.

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All I can say is.

"Fact is only what you beleive, fact and fiction work as a team."

- Jack Johnson

"If you can't fix the problem there is pleanty of money to be make prolonging the problem"

- Some smart arse

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I remember the arguments over smoking too. One after the other the execs stood up and swore, under oath, that smoking had no link to lung cancer, because the evidence wasn't conclusive.

Look hard enough and you'll still find peope who say it isn't.

Or that aids can be cured by having sex with virgins.


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